Social Question

dreamwolf's avatar

What will it take to induce the world that peace can be achieved?

Asked by dreamwolf (3163points) September 23rd, 2011

I believe in world peace. What is the general consensus of how we can get to peace? My solution is, disbanded all military across the world. All nations have a representative, discussions are talked about, sign an agreement that says if you attack one country, you wage war against the rest of the world and face being wiped off the planet with nukes.

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17 Answers

King_Pariah's avatar

Create a monster that will force every nation to band together to try to crush this mutual threat, but never let it die. Something like unbiased terrorism. A terror cell that attacks all nations for whatever reason.

ragingloli's avatar

Alien invasion.
Worry not, It is already in the works.

SpatzieLover's avatar

Be the change you want to see in the world

The way I interpret this is: I am 100% responsible for me. I cannot change anyone else.

@dreamwolf Have you already read Mattie Stepanek’s plans for peace, I think you’d enjoy it. His poetry should be available at your local library.

Bellatrix's avatar

Annihilation of the human race? We have been around for a long time and so far, we still can’t manage to get along.


Seriously? Almost nothing, really. Human beings are so violent, I have no hope for total peace.

The only thing is an intervention from beyond earth, like an alien intervention from outer space, sort of like in the movie “The Day The Earth Stood Still.”

Nullo's avatar

Man cannot hope to bring about peace so long as his heart remains corrupt.

stardust's avatar

I agree with @SpatzieLover We are all responsible for how we live our lives. Change happens one person at a time.

Coloma's avatar

Yep, BE the change you wish to see in the world.
Peace begins by deflating one ego at a time.

mazingerz88's avatar

When Pope John Paul II came to the Philippines in the mid-90’s, crime rate was reduced to zero the few days he was there.

flutherother's avatar

Arthur Paul Pedrick received a patent for this idea back in 1973.

Coloma's avatar


That’s so awesome!

jca's avatar

I am thinking that “induce” is not the correct word to use in this question.

mazingerz88's avatar

@Coloma I did travel to see him being World Youth Day and all but that zero crime rate may not be that accurate because I may have swiped a box of bandaids from the first aid tent. Lol.

dreamwolf's avatar

@jca induce |inˈd(y)o͞os|
verb [ with obj. ]
1 succeed in persuading or influencing (someone) to do something: [ with obj. and infinitive ] : the pickets induced many workers to stay away.
2 bring about or give rise to: none of these measures induced a change of policy.

dabbler's avatar

@ragingloli “Alien invasion… already in the works” but is it safe to bet the aliens are not invading earth to promote world peace?

Answering the original post Q:
– There will be a moment in some kind of event, probably broadcast, maybe on live tv and/or live internet, during which some compellingly humane and emotive thing occurs, and everybody receiving the broadcast has a strong common moment of emotion, and the resonance will sympathize our nervous systems further, and at some point we might become aware of that common moment. Like when everyone in a theatre is having a shared experience of the movie, only bigger.

Forces of evil will try to shut down or hopelessly distort that medium, or course, whatever it is so the next time it won’t happen again, or will it ? Through sheer force of collective will ?

The closest we get to this is World Cup Soccer probably… Superbowl…
Royal Wedding ?

dreamwolf's avatar

@dabbler I think the closest we’ve ever come to world peace was John Lennon. And you’re right, the evil forces did destroy that medium for us all. If he were to have lived through 80’s, 90’s even until now, at the age of 70, I’m sure he would’ve been a great influence in the political spectrum of the world. I can’t think of anyone else of his caliber who was as modern as him.

lloydbird's avatar


The rest will just flow.

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