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mazingerz88's avatar

Possibly [ NSFW ] What do you feel like doing when you have just showered, relaxed and no worries in the world whatsoever?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29321points) October 15th, 2011

Hmmm, yes?

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23 Answers

zensky's avatar


Prosb's avatar

Depends on the weather.
Hot out – Lay on my cool comforter while reading a book
Cold out – Go on my computer since it produces plenty of heat to keep me warm/Snuggle up with a blanket while reading a book
A nice spring day – Possibilities are endless
Raining – Go for a walk

OpryLeigh's avatar

If my boyfriend is around then I love nothing more than to lie in bed with him for hours, have sexy time as well as conversation and sleep. That’s perfect quality time for us.

If I am on my own then I catch up with TV I have missed during the week, watch a DVD (usually Gilmore Girls or LA Ink) or mess about online.

cookieman's avatar

showered, relaxed and no worries in the world whatsoever?

Yeah, I’ll let you know if that ever happens.

Jellie's avatar

Roll a joint.

mazingerz88's avatar

@KateTheGreat Ok, toss me a bottle here. : )

Scooby's avatar

Dirty sex! :-)

Blackberry's avatar

Read. I have to be close to that way to do it, anyway.

gm_pansa1's avatar

Reading a good book! ^.^

Mamradpivo's avatar

Go for a long walk or bike ride. Or hop in the car or on a train to someplace else.

beccagolling's avatar

Lying in a nice soft bed with a good manga to read. :3

Ayesha's avatar

Another vote for Dirty sex.

woodcutter's avatar

Lay on the futon using my dog to elevate my knees.

MNCgirl's avatar



I feel like going to bed, or if it’s still too early, relaxing on the sofa watching t.v. and eating a snack. Or do my hobbies.

Male's avatar

I don’t think I can ever fully be worry-free..there’s always something I’m worrying about, or if not worrying, thinking about. Yeah, that’s it. Thinking about. My mind’s always at work analyzing or processing something. But that doesn’t mean I can’t shower and relax though…

I’d probably bike with a friend, get online, or watch TV. It’s not often for me to be in such a state though…I could use more of those, more often

downtide's avatar


njnyjobs's avatar

…seat back in my lounger, watch a movie on the big screen until i doze off.

woodcutter's avatar

@MRSHINYSHOES What kind of hobbies? You knew someone was going to ask so out with it man.

Jude's avatar


What’s with all of the NSFW questions? Perve. ~

HungryGuy's avatar

Kinky sex (if I have a willing partner/slave around).

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