General Question

metadog's avatar

How can I sync data, photos, music and apps across multiple devices?

Asked by metadog (381points) October 18th, 2011

Hi! My boss has two desktop PC’s, a Mac laptop, a Dell lapop and two iPhones. He wants to have his photos, music, and documents accessible where ever he is. And, he wants it all automated. Obviously this is a cloud solution. I have looked at iCloud and some others, but have yet to find the “one ring that rules them all.” For example, with 20,000 photos to deal with, iCloud only deals with the 1000 most recent images. A human element needs to be introduced. Is there any solution out there that could solve this problem? It doesn’t need to be free. Thanks!

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7 Answers

RareDenver's avatar

Dropbox possibly?

XOIIO's avatar

Any cloud service.

njnyjobs's avatar

Store them on a webserver and FTP files up and down.

the100thmonkey's avatar

Ubuntu One will work across windows and linux devices amd symc them automatically. I don’t know if they’re allowed into Apple’s orchard though.

jrpowell's avatar

While not easy you could try to get Rsync working.

2davidc8's avatar

Try SugarSync, Dropbox, or Evernote. With these, the syncing is automatic and painless. I’ve tried them, and they work great. SugarSync and Evernote give you 5GB free, but with Dropbox, it’s only 2GB. To get more storage, you have to pay. There are other services that allow you to store your stuff in the “cloud”, like Amazon Cloud Drive, but they don’t sync.

lightsourcetrickster's avatar

Not sure this would be a viable option but how about Skydrive? I say it may not be a viable solution because I think that’s a Microsoft effort, and you know how Microsoft absolutely loves anything to do with Apple and vice versa.

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