Social Question

woodcutter's avatar

If someone dies with their eyes open does the lens still focus an image on the retina?

Asked by woodcutter (16377points) November 21st, 2011

I’m not sure why I’m thinking about this.

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8 Answers

digitalimpression's avatar

I’m sure it does until the brain stops being able to process that image.. making it a moot point.

WestRiverrat's avatar

If not cornea transplants would pretty much be worthless.

whitetigress's avatar

I’ve heard that upon Louis the 14 dying, a scientist told him to blink a couple times if he could still control his eye lids upon the guillotine slicing off his head. Well he did that, but I’m pretty sure he was fazed the fuck out. I mean even after a hard work out if I lay down and get up really fast, its often blurry.

woodcutter's avatar

I’ve heard stories of when people die the lack of O2 will kill the brain shortly but as it’s going out the person has some bizarre dreams or thoughts and if any visions are getting through via eyes influencing them. Pretty hard to prove I would think.

woodcutter's avatar

What I was getting at was does the mind get the images, or because of the impending death do the pupils even work, like maybe haze over? Or does the image just sit there and that’s as far as it goes?


If someone chops my head off, I probably can see for a few seconds, maybe even a minute, before I black out and die. I don’t know, I haven’t had my head cut off.

judochop's avatar

I’d give it about 15 seconds tops. Chances are the defense mechanization in the brain would cause you to black out and not really remember the event.

whitetigress's avatar

@judochop You mean the defensive mechanisms in your body actually apply to your lively hood in the instance ones head might be chopped off? Wow, I should really go back to college :P

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