Social Question

jonsblond's avatar

What are the best and the worst of high school mascots?

Asked by jonsblond (43826points) March 18th, 2012

Did you like your high school mascot? Was it lame?

Have any interesting stories about mascots you’d like to share?

My first two years in high school were spent as a Viking. Can’t get much cooler than that. My last two years were spent as a Potter. lame, lame, lame

Apparently the Cougar mascot was too offensive for some Utah parents The school wanted to use Cougar because cougars are common in the area. (the animal, not moms in their 40s. but it is Utah, so who knows which is which :P)

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6 Answers

augustlan's avatar

In junior high, we were Vikings, too! Cool, right? BUT, in high school, we were the… Trojans. Yes, just like the very well known condom company. I bet you can guess how often that came up with our rival school. Being called a rubberhead was not uncommon. :’(

Seaofclouds's avatar

My elementary school was the Eagles.
My middle school was the Spartans.
My high school was the Colonials.
My first college was the Roadrunner.
My second college was the Fighting Blue Hen.
My favorite one was the Roadrunner, just because it was different from most other things in our area.

GladysMensch's avatar

I still can’t decide if my friend’s old mascot was the worst or greatest mascot ever. She went to a very small school whose team name was… the Pretzels.

Blackberry's avatar

The best would be a school for the deaf in Arkansas whose mascot is the leopards. They can now be called Deaf Leopards, lol.

The worst would probably be this school.

TexasDude's avatar

My elementary school was the Cyclones, which is pretty cool, and my college is the Fighting Scots, which is ok too, but my middle and highschool was just awesome. We were the Red Devils, which was great because the middle and highschool buildings were flanked on three sides by churches, which I always believed was to contain the demonic influence of the schools. What made it even better were the monumental murals of Satan plastered on the exterior and interior walls. I should also mention that this town is small and nearly 99% Christian and smack dab in the middle of the Bible Belt.

wundayatta's avatar

How about “Minuteman.” Double entendres appear everywhere! Only in Massachusetts!

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