General Question

Sunny2's avatar

How long does it take garlic odors to be cleansed from the body?

Asked by Sunny2 (18842points) May 21st, 2012

We are planning a family ‘garlic festival,’ having been discouraged by the crowds from going to a public festival. Knowing how garlic aroma permeates the body, how long does it take for the garlic flavor to be cleansed? Is there a way to speed up the effects? In other words, how long should we wait before being in close physical association with others we encounter in daily life?

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5 Answers

MissAnthrope's avatar

It seems to me that people process garlic differently. Most of the people I know are fine to be around after a day or so, and even then, it’s not so bad. But then, I have met people where even the teeniest bit of garlic in a sauce and they reek for days.

bkcunningham's avatar

I think it depends on how you ingest the garlic, how much you eat, how much you prespire and what you eat after the garlicfest.

linguaphile's avatar

Depends on the person, for sure. I know a person that, if he eats one drop of garlic in a salad dressing, he stinks up the room for days.

When I wanted to get rid of garlic breath in the past, I tried the suggestions on this site.

bkcunningham's avatar

Years ago, I was making pickles and decided to eat a clove of garlic I had cooked in the pickling spices. It seemed like a good idea at the time. I, and everyone within a block of me, could smell garlic coming from every pore in my body for a solid week. It was a very strange experience. The strongest smell was in the palms of my hands.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

You’ll have to drink litres of water and eat plenty of fresh parsley afterwards.

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