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LeavesNoTrace's avatar

NSFW How do I block adult website popups on Google Chrome? (Mac)

Asked by LeavesNoTrace (5677points) November 21st, 2012

So I’ll come right out and say it. I’m a woman who watches porn sometimes. Okay now that that’s out of the way, let’s talk about the problem.

Even though I use a Mac and browse with Chrome (both of which are supposed to prevent popups) as soon as I start browsing adult content, the bots, camgirls and illicit ads start popping up in new windows. Beyond being annoying, this can also be potentially embarrassing if you forget to click out of them when you’re done only to have it appear up at a bad time later (ie. during a work/school presentation)

I tried going to preferences > under the hood > content settings and “Do not allow any site to show pop-ups” is already selected. What gives? Are sleaze bags who porn sites so crafty that they’ve found a way around browser settings? Is there anything I can do?

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5 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

To answer the technical question: Yes, the web sites (and this is true for other commercial sites, not just porn sites) have figured out a way to create pop-ups that defeat the pop-up blocking directive.

It is called a pop-under, and one of the worst offenders is a company named ZEDO. although there many others. See their site for a description:

I installed Adblock for Chrome, then entered a custom filter for * This does appear to be blocking the pop-under ads.


El_Cadejo's avatar

Aside from what @elbanditoroso mentioned, you gotta start visiting better sites that won’t leave all this stuff on your computer afterwards. There are a few good ones out there without all the internet STDs you’ll get from a vast majority of porn sites.

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SavoirFaire's avatar

I recommend Adblock Plus and Ghostery. Both are free, and both do an excellent job preventing sites from advertising or tracking you against your will.

reijinni's avatar

Would editing the hosts file solve this problems as well?

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