General Question

AnonymousWoman's avatar

Is there a way to get false information about you off someone's Blogspot account who named you?

Asked by AnonymousWoman (6533points) March 3rd, 2013

I became aware of an ex who posted such information. It was before he dated me. If I’d known about it, I never would have dated him. Is there a way to get this down? I’d feel a lot better about it if he didn’t name me, but he did. :(

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2 Answers

rory's avatar

I don’t think it’s possible…unfortunately he has the right to post whatever he wants about you on his blog. If I were you I’d message him and see if he will take it down. But unless he posted real information like that’s personal to you and could be dangerous, I don’t know what you can do.

What exactly did he post? I’m not quite sure I’m answering this right because I’m not sure I know what you mean. The impression I’m getting is that he posted your name and some false stuff about you.

gambitking's avatar

Actually, you might have a chance.

Anyone can write opinions about businesses, celebrities, people and such on their websites.

However, there are laws governing defamation on the internet. So even if your ex has his own website, you might be able to take action against him to get the content removed.

It’ll be even easier if the website exists on a Blogspot domain (like if the ex’s website is “” instead of just “”.) If that’s the case, then you can approach Blogspot about the issue. They usually have pretty clear rules about stuff people put on their blogs (after all Blogspot still owns that site). So try contacting Blogspot.

Here’s a great resource to start with for determining the legality of the ex’s content:

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