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ScottyMcGeester's avatar

What's the strangest/creepiest story you've ever heard/read?

Asked by ScottyMcGeester (1897points) April 22nd, 2013

It could be anything. About UFOs, ghosts, insane coincidences, things that happened in a one in a million chance, etc, etc.

(I don’t mean books or anything fictional, just to clarify, I mean like actual supposedly “real life” stories)

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28 Answers

talljasperman's avatar

One world leader once said that the French, “don’t even have a word for entrepreneur.” The rest is too scary to imagine, but we live with the consequences anyway.

Rarebear's avatar

Bram Stoker’s Dracula.

Berserker's avatar

My mom always had nightmares, and she always used to tell my dad and me about them. They sound like nothing really, but they freaked me the hell out when I was a kid.

In one place we lived, she dreamt that she was in her bed, and then felt a hand feeling up her thigh. In the dream she said she looked up at her windows after feeling the invisible perv hand. Now in real waking life, all windows in that place had little handles that you turn to open them, like old car window handles. But in her dream, the handles were changed, what she saw were primitive handles that you just pull on. I mean, I know that’s not scary, and it’s a dream she had and not an actual story that really happened, and I don’t know why really, but as a kid that freaked me out so bad. After she told me that dream, I was in my bed at night, looking at my roll up window handle, and thinking…you better not change, man.

My mom always had scary ass dreams, and she seemed to delight herself in freaking me the hell out by telling me about them.

Pachy's avatar

My mother was extremely close to her mother. The hour my grandmother died, Mother, who was riding in a car at the time and did not know of this (it was in pre-cell phone days) went into some kind of trance and envisioned rising up and floating to see her mother one last time in the assisted care facility. This incident as it happened was confirmed by my brother, who was driving, and I saw mother’s very odd state first-hand shortly afterwards because my house was her destination.

Seek's avatar

@Michael_Huntington OMG I WAS GOING TO SAY THAT ONE! It still wiggs me out.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’m afraid to look…what is Guts?

Seek's avatar

It’s a story that will wig you the fuck out, that’s what. Don’t read it if you’re squeamish. I’m not at ALL squeamish, and I read it once. Years ago. And it still pops into my head unasked-for from time to time.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I am torn, now!

Berserker's avatar


That dog was fucking nuts.

Dutchess_III's avatar

K…is video, pictures, a written story?

Dutchess_III's avatar

shit. goin in….

Berserker's avatar

Not pictures, don’t worry. But after you read it, the pics might form in your head…

Dutchess_III's avatar

OK. Um. Well. Um. I want to laugh! He’s an awfully good writer! And his sister got pregnant (God forbid his MOM!!)

Berserker's avatar

I want to buy some condoms and put meat inside so I can see what guts feel like. I already know what they feel like

So that was originally published in Playboy magazine. I wonder if it’s true. Could definitely be. :/

El_Cadejo's avatar

So this one time I swam to the bottom of the poor and sat on the filter intake…...

Michael_Huntington's avatar

@Symbeline They’re all (supposedly) based on true stories

Dutchess_III's avatar

How could you know that @Michael_Huntington?

Dutchess_III's avatar

O no! Not another link….

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Michael_Huntington So….Chuck Palahniuk says they’re true, so they must be true. Can’t lie on the internet.

Seek's avatar

I have the issue. Yeah.

Michael_Huntington's avatar

Yes. Chuck Palahniuk is obviously the purveyor of truth.

lookingglassx3's avatar

Once read a true story about a young woman who was buried alive by her fiance, who was also the father of her young son. I think he drugged her and put her inside a cardboard box and then buried the box. He wanted her out of the way so he could begin another relationship. She was able to use her engagement ring to scratch away at the cardboard and escape.

Blondesjon's avatar

I read a memoir of Ernest Borgnine’s S&M/bondage exploits that spanned nearly six decades.

Scary as hell.

ok, i may have popped a partial a couple of times but i think it was just the way my pajama pants were rubbing

ScottyMcGeester's avatar

@lookingglassx3 I always wondered how it was possible/what it feels like to dig out of being buried. I watched Kill Bill (Vol. 2 was it?) where she was buried and karate chopped her way out of the coffin and then dug her way up. I wasn’t sure how possible that was to dig out like that. It’s a very awkward situation.

mattbrowne's avatar

Global warming not being real.

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