General Question

girlofscience's avatar

How does one go about finding a hitman?

Asked by girlofscience (7567points) June 15th, 2008

I’m not looking for a hitman! I’ve just been watching that Investigation Discovery channel, and there was a guy who accidentally hired the police’s fake hitman and got busted. I’m interested in learning how one goes about finding a hitman in the first place, and the internet has turned up no relevant results through my searches.

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23 Answers

iwamoto's avatar

i’d hang around bars…then again, i know some poeple who know some people who know some people, and through them maybe i could get in contact with the right people

girlofscience's avatar

@iwamoto: Haha, yeah I live in Philly, and everyone says that about South Philly (knowing some people who know some people who know some people). South Philly isn’t even a bad area, but it’s the Italian area of Philly, and apparently Italians around here are known for knowing some people who can “take care of things.”

GD_Kimble's avatar

more times than not, hitmen aren’t the slick “professional” killers that movies make them out to be. Usually, they’re just desperate guys that need cash. I live in NY, and trust me, hang out in certain bars for a while, and there will always be some guy, who knows some guy…. etc etc

GD_Kimble's avatar

@girlofscience… wow. jinx

gailcalled's avatar

@girlofscience; I lived in Philly for years. You probably can just put an ad in the Inquirer or a notice on the PO bulletin board. (Use a POB #.) The restaurants in S. Philly were wonderful, however.

marinelife's avatar

@girlofscience It never works. Someone who knows a guy who knows a guy tells someone! Someone who would kill for money is not trustworthy. You are likely to get caught. Having someone killed is not the answer—no matter what the question is.

@gailcalled Did you ever go to Strolli’s? (Spelling?)

Spargett's avatar

I’ve got one word for you.


gailcalled's avatar

@Marina: too long ago to remember. I left in 1986. But there were certainly lots of guys with lots of guns around. My youngest step-son went astray and became a drug taker and seller. One of his dubious friends was shot to death. Scary

girlofscience's avatar

@Marina: lol, I know that having someone killed is “not the answer.” I specified that I am not looking for a hitman. I was simply curious about the process of obtaining a hitman. In the way that I can be curious about the way in which a sex-change operation is performed without actually wanting to obtain one myself.

delirium's avatar

In every weird ass book i’ve come across…. you essentially look for corrupt bounty hunters and the code is “Do you paint walls?” (as in…. do you paint walls in blood?)

marinelife's avatar

@girlofscience My misread. My only excuse s that I have not had my coffee yet. My friend Paul used to drive us around Philly pointing out the “landmarks” where various Philly mobsters had been hit.

delirium's avatar

Though, i will admit and agree… knowing a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy is probably the best way.

jcs007's avatar

craigslist. If they have a prostitution ring, they must have a pool of hitmen.

girlofscience's avatar

@jcs007: I tried. Prostitution is under “erotic services.” So what would hitmen be under?

iwamoto's avatar

hatchetmen ? cleaners?

mcbealer's avatar

I dunno but I wonder if Big Brother is onto you because of your google search?
I am, admittedly, usually, a bit paranoid. Or am I?

gailcalled's avatar

If you want another idea, check out either the novel (Patricia Highsmith) or the Hitchcock movie: Strangers on a Train. I am not recommending this, remember, but just passing on info. My generation still remembers the slimy Bruno (played by Farley Granger.)

NVOldGuy's avatar

Look for the Soldier of Fortune Magazine or go to their conventions.

osullivanbr's avatar

Meet me at the abandoned warehouse! ;-)
Come alone.

girlofscience's avatar

@osullivanbr: Haha, one of my friends used to date this professional rollerblading guy, and he would always scope out abandoned warehouses to use their railings to skate down and such. We went to one with him one night, and apparently when he went back a week later, cops showed up and shone their lights in his eyes and were like, “What the eff are you doing here??? Leave!!” because it was like the murder capital of the city, whoops.

osullivanbr's avatar

whoops indeed.

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