General Question

syz's avatar

What's the deal with lowbrow humor and (pardon the non-PC terminology) midgets?

Asked by syz (35943points) June 20th, 2008

I just don’t get it. Most recent example – The Love Guru. I cringe. (Not that I begrudge them the work.)

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5 Answers

Knotmyday's avatar

As Marina so eloquently put it, “Chacun à son goût.”

simone54's avatar

LOWbrow? hahahahahha

marinelife's avatar

@Knotmyday Ooo, you can actually do the accent marks! Nifty.

As to the question, it’s like toilet and bodily function jokes. Some people never leave middle school when it comes to humor. Filmmakers and TV show producers pander to that demographic, because it makes money. It’s a shame that we as a culture have not evolved beyond making fun of minority groups or genetic medical issues, but it’s the price of a free society.

My idea of excellent low-brow humor recently is a New Zealand horror movie spoof released on video called “Black Sheep.” It pokes fun at all sorts of things: horror movies, genetic engineering, animal activists, sheep stations, Kiwis. And yes, it had sheep flatulence jokes.

dland's avatar

I think it’s that our society has evolved to the point where it’s no longer considered acceptable to make fun of people because of their race or (what used to be called) handicaps, but we haven’t evolved to the point where it’s no longer considered acceptable to make fun of people because of their height. I suppose fat jokes fall into the same category.

As for lowbrow humor, Marina gets a “Great Answer” for getting it right on the head. Also, as H. L. Mencken said, “Nobody ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public.” Apparently, the same is true for the Kiwi public.

delirium's avatar

I don’t get it either. It just makes me uncomfortable.

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