Social Question

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

How much would you pay for war?

Asked by RealEyesRealizeRealLies (30954points) September 22nd, 2013

You must pay for car insurance, and your utilities. Perhaps soon you’ll be mandated to carry a health insurance expense too.

Don’t worry. Corporations have numerous loopholes which allow their personhood to be exempt from these sort of things. So big business will be fine.

But what if WAR came at a monthly expense? Or let’s say “protection” from terrorism. How much would you pay out of your pocket for protection against:

1. Home grown terrorism.

2. International terrorism.

3. The war on drugs.

4. Anything else that might not seem so important if you had to pay a monthly extortion fee for the security of having it.

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7 Answers

Headhurts's avatar

Is there such a price? Would we ever be safe from all that?

LuckyGuy's avatar

Some of us pay that now – in taxes. We just don’t see it that way.
I’d like to see war taxes tied directly to gasoline consumption. If a war is going to cost $150 Billion per year, rather than raise taxes, the price of gasoline should go up $1. That way everyone would know there is a war on. They might conserve a little. They might even (dare I say it) car pool or take public transportation. Since the average person uses 700 gallons of gasoline per year that would come to about $60 per month. We have to maintain and upgrade equipment $240 per month. Many people would not pay their fair share so $600 per month or $7200. per year. Hey! That is starting to look like what people pay in income tax.

Seek's avatar

@LuckyGuy yeah, because fuck the poor people who already have a hard time affording to keep their car both fuelled and running for their ridiculous commutes to and from their underpaid, benefitless jobs.

ragingloli's avatar

Funny story, they recently cut 40 bilion from the food stamp programme.
At the same time, the defense budget of 2013 was 770 billion.
American logic: Feeding poor people? Evil socialism! Killing brown people? What a great Idea!

LuckyGuy's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr Exactly. Screw ‘dem poh folk.
We need to come up with some way that everyone – rich, poor sacrifices something. Even if it just a little. Everyone should know there is a war on.
Think WWII – when our grandparents saved fats and oils, saved aluminum foil and paper, grew food – something to help. Right now even our TV/Cable/phone/electrical/water service is not disrupted. Nothing. If people had to sacrifice even a little bit this mess would be over quicker. Politicians would make sure of it.

@ragingloli Maybe we can kill the brown people and feed them to the poor.

mattbrowne's avatar

Are you talking about war bonds?

“War bonds are debt securities issued by a government to finance military operations and other expenditure in times of war.”

cheebdragon's avatar

It depends….is it a war that actually involves us? Or a war where we feel the need to get involved even though it has nothing to do with our country?

If its a meddling war, I wouldn’t pay anything, as far as I’m concerned they can just kill each other off…’s sad, but so is their reason for fighting, if they can’t see it, fuck them.

If it was a war against us, cash rewards for the soldiers who kill the most enemies….lets get medieval on them.

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