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eferrara's avatar

I have a 'dry socket' and got the medicated dressing, but I'm still in pain?

Asked by eferrara (145points) October 5th, 2013

I had a lower molar removed 10 days ago. I developed dry socket around day 2 or so, and I’ve been in severe pain pretty much since. On Thursday I returned to the dentist and he put in a medicated dressing—this took away the pain for about an hour and then it came back. The pain now is more bearable, but still enough to ruin my day. It’s like a dull, constant ache which gets a lot worse when I eat or drink. The dressing is starting to fall out. Should I remove it? I don’t go back to the dentist until Monday, and I’ve ran out of pain medication. I cannot take NSAIDs like motrin.

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9 Answers

Judi's avatar

Get clove tea in a bag, make a cup of tea and enjoy it then bite down on the tea bag being careful not to rupture it.
My sister’s father in law was a dentist and he made his own poultice which was mostly cloves that he packed a tooth socket with to calm the pain.

creative1's avatar

The best thing that works for tooth pain is simple tylenol, believe it or not but it is the only thing I find tylenol to work for. It also sounds like a piece of tooth may have been broke off in the extraction, I had a tooth removed and until the piece worked it way up and out it hurt.

Judi's avatar

Wow @creative1 , I always found anti inflamatories like Motrin worked better for tooth pain.

johnpowell's avatar

Any reasonably good dentist has a back-up that you can call and will see you right away. I had a tooth pulled and was stitched up by my dentists back-up after it started bleeding a few days later on a Saturday night. It was a bit surreal to get stitches by a person in a tuxedo. He bailed on a opera to fix me up. And he didn’t charge. So you might as well call. Their number might give you the number of their emergency dentist.

creative1's avatar

@Judi don’t knock it till you try it, Motrin or any anti-inflamatory has nothing on Tylenol when it comes to mouth or jaw pain. I had a friend call me crying in the middle of the night because she cracked a tooth and nothing was working for the pain, I told her to take Tylenol and a little while later she called me back because she had to tell me how much it worked taking the pain away. If you’ve got rapid release Tylenol take that it works the fastest. I would take it every 4 hours to avoid it coming back until the dentist can fix it.

tedibear's avatar

@Judi‘s suggestion about the clove tea bag is a good one. When I’ve had a medicated dressing for a root canal, it has been a cotton pellet with clove oil.

I wish I was as lucky as @creative1 and her friend. Tylenol does nothing for me. :( Nor does vicodin any more. However, it is absolutely worth a shot.

And yes, do try what @johnpowell said about calling the dentist’s office. No decent dentist wants to have a patient in pain.

kritiper's avatar

Rinse your mouth out with Listerine every 4 hours.

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

It’s been said, but let me reiterate: Cloves work wonders. Either in a tea or just putting a whole clove at the point of the dry socket. I’ve had two of them and the cloves were my salvation.

creative1's avatar

Another thing that helps if there is any infection going on or a piece of tooth stuck is gargoling with salt water, the salt helps to draw anything up and out.

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