General Question

talljasperman's avatar

Is it true that in the American South Pole research station that you can get as many chocolate bars that one wants and every type?

Asked by talljasperman (21919points) January 13th, 2014

Types of chocolate bars

How does a Canadian sign up for research or military service in Antarctica where you can get this “sweet” deal ? Also how many different types of chocolate bars have you tried? I’ve tried all of the Canadian ones. After eight, caramilk, rolo, bounty, toblerone, and some of the world wide ones. I like Mirage the best. What is your favorite? Also is Wikipedia missing some chocolate bars?

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5 Answers

creative1's avatar

I don’t know about the chocolate but I don’t care how much chocolate I was offered I would never go to the American South Pole research station to brave out the fridgid cold the workers there are doing. So they can keep their chocolate bars, they may need the extra calories for all the calories they are using up just trying to stay warm.

Seek's avatar

No, you cannot have them imported to Canada. You can get your own chocolate bars at your local shops.

They have lots of chocolate because they use way more calories a day down there regulating their body temperature than we do, with our nice heated homes and options.

LostInParadise's avatar

My preference is for 90% cacao dark chocolate. I like to put it in the freezer and nibble on it for a week or two. None of this wimpy, sugar filled milk chocolate.

JLeslie's avatar

Well, many of us south of your border stock up on Coffee Crisps when we visit Canada. The immigration and customs employees see a lot of those come through. I can’t for the life of me figure out why they don’t sell them in America.

I like pecan turtles, chocolate covered cherries with the liquid center, Baby Ruth, Hershey’s nuggets, Toblerone, Lindt in the red wrapper, Peanut Chews, just to name a few.

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