General Question

shudderbrother's avatar

Whatcha gonna do for the rest of your life?

Asked by shudderbrother (134points) July 4th, 2008

If you had to make a plan and explain it in a sentence or two.

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36 Answers

cheebdragon's avatar

if only I could see into the future, this question would be so much easier to answer…......

cheebdragon's avatar

sorry I can’t be of more help, but it really is not an easy question to answer. So far my life has not turned out as planned, so right now my only plans involve going back to school so I don’t lose my health insurance.

damien's avatar


cheebdragon's avatar

if I’m really lucky I will find out I’m immortal!

TheHaight's avatar

Try and live it to the fullest.

jrpowell's avatar

I’m thinking about going back to school to learn how to repair airplanes. I like airplanes and I like fixing stuff so it could work out. I should probably stop drinking as much as I do before I do that.

crunchaweezy's avatar

Whatever it want’s to do with me, I’m in for the ride.

playthebanjo's avatar

the same stuff I do now, only longer.

SuperMouse's avatar

Finish school, mold young minds, and have great parking forever.* That’s my answer and I’m sticking to it.

*That’s for you crazycouple.

eadinad's avatar

Finish school, start a business with my sister, have my own studio, and raise a beautiful, healthy, happy family.

iwamoto's avatar

work hard and enjoy using the money i make to enhance my life

Adina1968's avatar

On Monday I turn 40. I have decided to make a commitment to just plain old being happy and enjoying life. :-)

osullivanbr's avatar

I’m probably going to spend the rest of my life wondering what I’m going to do with the rest of my life.
I mean that quite seriously.

marinelife's avatar

I can’t even figure out what I am going to do in the next few weeks. Sometimes the big things in life are out of my control. That’s why I try to make each day count. Those things I can usually control.

flameboi's avatar

make my dreams come true, whatever it does, whatever it takes (obviously within certain limits), whenever you start something, you have to have the end in mind :)

buster's avatar

Im pretty sure Im going to skateboard until Im in a wheelchair. After that im going to move back to Oregon and get a medical marijuana card and smoke pot until I die. While im in the chair I will probably take up some hobbies like crossword puzzles, wheelchair basketball, and building model cars.

wildflower's avatar

Be busy making plans and have life happening while doing so (to paraphrase a certain Mr. Lennon)

delirium's avatar

Forensic Anthropology.

thebeadholder's avatar

Take things one day at a time and have hope that everything will turn out as planned.

TheCouncil's avatar

Put one foot in front of the other and keep moving forward.

scamp's avatar

I’m gonna live until I die!

hearkat's avatar

Treasure each moment with my loved ones; seek the good in every person and situation; take nothing and no one for granted.

nisheedhi's avatar

Tough question no doubt but nothing prevents us from answering it because we are not bound to stick to what we say here .It is rather easy to say what you are going to do because you are not committing here anything nor are you teasing Life or Destiny by being very confident about your future actions.It is a feeling of well-being to think that you are going to do what you want to do . What you want to do is most certainly the actions which will give you a feeling of achievement or creative fulfilment.Write lots of poetry ,take good quality photographs ,read a lot and some good stuff-these are some of the things .

shudderbrother's avatar

@nisheedhi, yes, interesting view, I like that perspective. What if you were commited to what you stated here? Say you´re bound to live according to your answer, whatever that is. Would you answer differently?

wildflower's avatar

I’m pretty sure my response would stay the same, because life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans!

nisheedhi's avatar

@shudderbrother,no ,I wouldn’t answer differently because eventually even if I may be bound to do whatever I say here , today I do not want to sacrifice my freedom of not having to do it or to keep myself and my actions open-ended.

sundayBastard's avatar

I’m just here to enjoy the show man.

pekenoe's avatar

Be contagious happy. Drink a beer or two. Make new friends.

iloldrlhrd's avatar

im planning on finishing highschool and then spending all the money i have on an axe, rope, a pocket knife, hemp seeds, corn seeds, a file, a nice tent, 10 lighters, a fishing rod, a bow,and about 50 arrows. then ill pack all that stuff up, and grab my guitar and go miles into a forest to seek mental and spiritual peace, fullfillement, and harmony for i tire of my life being full of hate,and if i die there, so be it.

cheebdragon's avatar

can I come?

pekenoe's avatar

@iloldrlhrd @cheebdragon Come on up, lots of room, good honest people, partly forested. Montana, North Dakota, Wyoming

There are a couple crabby people but we’re working on that.

aprilsimnel's avatar

I’m going to rock.

stringhead616's avatar

I’m gonna ask this question every 10 years and answer it when I die.

Aster's avatar

Get in shape again and learn stuff.

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