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serenityNOW's avatar

How to find a reputable Hypnotist?

Asked by serenityNOW (3643points) August 6th, 2015 from iPhone

I’d like to try finding a hypnotist to help me quit smoking. I don’t see how it could hurt – I’ve tried other means and nothing sticks. Cold turkey, patch, pills and more. (It has been a 20 year struggle.). Plus, I’m simply curious!

I’m in the tri-state area and I don’t mind a bit of travel.

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4 Answers

Coloma's avatar

I loved hypnosis and used it several times for stress reduction and smoking cessation.
You want to find a American Medical Assc. accredited hypnotherapist. Good luck, smoking is such a witch to kick. My therapist used the color red and suggestion that every time I saw a red stop sign that was a quit sign.

To this day when I pull up to a stop sign I associate it with “STOP smoking!” I did have a relapse about 6 months after I completed the therapy due to an overload of stress but the tools you learn can help you get back on track or you can always go for a tune up.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Here is who I used over 25 years ago, still in business. The Green Seminars

Unbroken's avatar

Acupuncture is another alternative tool to quit that has had success.

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