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Dutchess_III's avatar

Why doesn't this fungicide come out in a fine spray that covers the whole leaf?

Asked by Dutchess_III (46870points) May 18th, 2017

I think some, maybe all, of my house plants have some sort of fungus, so I had Rick pick up a fungicide. I sprayed it first on a plant that I could stand to lose, if I HAD to lose one, to see how it reacted before I spray the rest.
However, the fungicide just comes out in big blobs and sticks on random places on the leaves. I guess I need to rub it in with something, which is counter intuitive because you aren’t supposed to come into contact with it, but I don’t know how else to cover the leaves.

Also, they put foil over ketchup and mustard and every kind of food there is, so you have to take the lid off and remove the foil before you can use it….BUT THERE ARE NO SUCH SAFE GUARDS ON THE DAMN FUNGICIDE! I picked it up from the back deck, where Rick had left it, and it’s live! It’s ready to go! Glad I didn’t have any grand kids over before I got to it.

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6 Answers

Coloma's avatar

Maybe the nozzle is clogged or it isn;t twisted to the right spraying position. It should dispense as a spray not in blobs. Something is wrong with the nozzle. Maybe return it for a new bottle.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, I did turn it, of course. 2 sides are off, and the other 2 both just spit. I’ll check it out in a bit.

Coloma's avatar

^ Maybe there is a seal on the inside of the cap that needs to be removed too before you screw the nozzle on after removing the first seal on the bottle. ?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Nope. Just opened it and there was no seal, which I think is insane. They put seals over food stuffs, like ketchup, but not poison. Sheesh.

I poured some into an empty Windex bottle, same thing. I noticed it’s pretty thick, like whole milk maybe, so that probably just the nature of the stuff. It’s too thick to spray. So, I’ll just get some gloves and a sponge and give all my babies a massage. They will like that. Just waiting to see the effects on the one I sprayed….

imrainmaker's avatar

Are you sure you aren’t supposed to mix it with water and spray it or it should to be ready to use?

Dutchess_III's avatar

It says “ready to use,” so no.

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