General Question

flo's avatar

Should no one complain about, and search for the cure for cold? Why or why not?

Asked by flo (13313points) January 15th, 2018

Probably no one thinks that. But if you follow their “logic” by complaining about the lesser cases (let’s say cold/flu) you undermine the people who suffer the worst diseases (like cancer etc.)
Or let’s say your kid is experiencing something wrong in school, he/she should not bring it up unless someone almost killed him/her.
What do you say to them?

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14 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Everyone gets the cold at least once. There is enough room for people to research in a pet area without taking too much away from other more serious illnesses. You need scientists picking an area of expertise from passions from their past. Its not like a video game where you can put 100% into a specific area. .scientists are human too and have different interestes.

flo's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 Yes but what do you say to people who make it sound you can’t bring up anything unless it’s to the degree of genocide fatal disease etc.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@flo For example when hunans get to a tipping point, we can get together and for a short time put 100% into a problem, but afterwards we go back to our areas of expertise. Some people only can do research in opposition fields for so long.

flo's avatar

“Oppossition fields”?

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@flo like chemistry and physics. They are interested in different fields and might not be proficient in the opposing science field’s.

flo's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 You probably answered while I was adding to the detail part of the OP. It is not just about health.

flo's avatar

…“he/she should not bring it up unless someone almost killed him/her.” and/or you the parent should not try to bring it to an end etc., because your child didn’t almost get killed, .....and other examples.

Mariah's avatar

I agree that “there are worse things” isn’t an argument against caring about things that are less bad. It seems that’s what you’re trying to get at here.

However, when it comes to something like allocating research dollars, where we’re talking about a finite resource, I should hope we’re putting our resources towards conditions that kill people and cause major suffering moreso than the common cold.

flo's avatar

But I wasn’t referring to allocating funds, I suppose I should have mentioned that. I’m referring to just debates between friends or in the media between whoever is on etc. Let’s say the #Me too, some people are saying that you’re undermining the women who were raped, or close to it, by bringing up the less serious cases.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@flo lol. If it interferes with day to day living then it should be shared with an adult.

flo's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 You answerd before I posted my last post.

Mariah's avatar

Gotcha. I just mentioned that because you brought up searching for a cure.

I agree that all the different types of negative experiences with sexual misconduct are worth talking about, not just rape. I don’t think it minimizes rape to point out that cat-calling, inappropriate comments in the workplace, or intimidation are also forms of bad behavior.

flo's avatar

Of course. But what do you say to them because they know that they are just sincerely missing it at the time

flo's avatar

…But what do you say to them because they know that. They’re just sincerely missing it at the time

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