General Question

wundayatta's avatar

Did you ever woo anyone in a library?

Asked by wundayatta (58738points) August 15th, 2008

When I was in high school (geek alert… geek alert), I was a member of the debate team. There was this girl I really liked, and I persuaded her to join the debate team, with the idea that we would go to the library and research together.

It worked. Sort of. She joined the team; we went to the library together to research; but it turned out that she was too religious for anything that I really wanted to happen. Not even a kiss!

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43 Answers

trumi's avatar

Somebody once tried to woo me in a library. It was actually pretty creepy. He kept saying “Where can I find ball sack?” I just kind of walked away.

Judi's avatar

Now that you mention it…...
In Jr. High I really liked this boy that I only noticed after he cut his hair from shoulder length to just above his chin. He looked kind of funny with long hair because he had a pointed chin. When he cut his hair he was really HOT!!! After we became “an item” He told me that the reason he realized he liked ME was because when we were in the school library I was so attentive I squatted down with him to look for a book on the bottom shelf. That’s when he knew he liked me. Weird hu? I wonder what ever happened to Ben?

gailcalled's avatar

My best boyfriend in HS wooed me while he was teaching me how to play chess.

tedibear's avatar

That would be interesting. Think how much you could learn about them from their choice of books!

PeterM's avatar

I met my wife at the library, actually. We needed a safe public spot to meet FTF for the first time.

Obviously it worked out. :D

generalspecific's avatar

I haven’t.. and it’s probably for the best because I rarely ever see cute boys when I go to the library.
but if I did happen to find one.. that would be pretty awesome. I love boys, and books. so it works.

gailcalled's avatar

If you meet a cute boy in the library, it would be pretty uberbatman.

mee_ouch's avatar

Does high school detention in the library count?

wundayatta's avatar

@mee: depends. Was there a guy there? Were you interested in him? Did you try to pursue him? Please don’t tell me that was the only time you ever saw the inside of a library! ;-)

mee_ouch's avatar

Can I plead the 5th if I’m Canadian? lol

Oh, daloon, ye of little faith! And I thought you knew me soooo well!
I used to live at the library. It was my sanctuary in an otherwise maddening world. I’d spend hours upon hours…and I did indeed meet some very interesting, albeit, eclectic souls.
There was one stand-out…..shy as I was….To say that there was any wooing would be a mild over-statement. Subtle flirtation would be more apt in describing our connection

wundayatta's avatar

Hey mee! It was two days ago that I knew you well. My poor brain is so porous, you could mine me for raw materials for a cement factory. that was surely tortured, don’t you think? Shy? Hmmm. Material for a new question.

mee_ouch's avatar

Boy, I walked, no ran straight into that one…Didn’t I daloon?

wundayatta's avatar

ooooo! [dallon grimaces in sympathy] That must smart! I hope it didn’t damage anything important!

uh, what the hell are we talking about?

zina's avatar

i wooed someone in a library! i was into a guy in college and he was always in the library, so i would naturally ‘happen’ to be there working too…. after locating his carrel. i rarely went there otherwise. it worked! we ended up working on a class project together… and then moving to argentina together!

mee_ouch's avatar

I keep all the important bits safely buffered….

ninjaxmarc's avatar

can’t say that I have.
But there is something about a girl with glasses hiding behind a book that is mysterious.

mee_ouch's avatar

It all depends on the book she’s reading…...
Or perhaps she’s hiding out from the wooer?

ninjaxmarc's avatar

@ Mee
Something along the lines of kama sutra.

mee_ouch's avatar

Ooohhhh….one of those!
Always the unassuming ones n’est pas?

Mtl_zack's avatar

never in a library, but many times in a bookstore. once, when i was just beginning to go through puberty, i was buying books about the change, and i was talking to this girl and some doofus knocked into me and i dropped my books with detailed pictures of pubescent body parts. my face must have looked like a tomato.

stratman37's avatar

No, but I did “woo hoo” someone in the library, and got promptly kicked out!

janbb's avatar

Since I’m a librarian in a college library, I would probably get fired if I wooed anyone there. However, I have had some great friendships!

(I did meet ny husband while hitchhiking in England but that’s a story for another time, as they say.)

wundayatta's avatar

What? You’re expecting me to ask another question? “Did you meet your spouse while hitchhiking?” ;-)

janbb's avatar

Only if you want to hear the story :-)

trumi's avatar

Nobody got my stupid joke :(

wundayatta's avatar

maybe we got it, but didn’t find it worthy of note? Maybe no one holds 19th century french authors in much esteem any more?

trumi's avatar

Oh goody :D

Okay, I feel better.

gailcalled's avatar

@Trumi; C’est vrai. I Honoré you for the effort, however.

trumi's avatar

@Gail; Merci. Et très drôle. :D

gailcalled's avatar

ça me fait vachement heureuse.

janbb's avatar

@ gailcalled – I’m translating that as “that makes me cowly happy”. Am I missing something here?

trumi's avatar

@jan; Doesn’t it just mean “very” or “really”?

gailcalled's avatar

@Janbb. It’s slang…and trumi translated it correctly. Can also mean bloody as in British slang…used to be considered vulgar. Today, anything goes, I would bet.

What was the thread?

wundayatta's avatar

I think someone fell in love with a cow, who happened to be sewing in a library. Ok? Everyone clear?

gailcalled's avatar

Don’t joke. Around here moose and deer who cross the road without looking both ways often end up in the passenger seat next to an unhappy driver. Brown bears show up on decks to destroy bird feeders or in yards to eat the bee hives. I wouldn’t be at all surprised to see cows in our lovely little library. Well-behaved dogs can go into most of the shops where they will find bowls of fresh water on the floor.

wundayatta's avatar

Joke? Moi? Have you seen my questions?

I mean, my other questions?

gailcalled's avatar

All I have to do it look at your tuchis to know that you are humorless, dreary and unoriginal.

wundayatta's avatar

Can’t pull the wool over your eyes, gailcalled. What are you? Scottish? Australian? Sheepherders are well known for their laconic perspicacity. I’m not sure, however, I’ve heard of many sheepherders who were well versed in the Torah.

Knotmyday's avatar

I, too, avert my eyes from your icon, Monsieur Daloon. Call me a prude.

lurve for use of the word “woo” though.

wundayatta's avatar

Well, I hate to disappoint a lady, so, despite what I am sure is a bit of untruthfulness in your self-assessment, I shall grant your wish.


answerjill's avatar

Once, when I was a freshman in college, I smiled at this guy who as looking at me. I sort of smiled as a habit, or by mistake. Anyway, he said to me something like, “you know, you can get kicked out of this library for smiling!” After that, I would bump into him once in a while. Then, on Valentine’s Day, people put these special ads in the school paper. One of them said, “To the cute girl with the smile who I always see in the library, will you be my Valentine? There was an invitation to see Casablanca that night it and signed with his nickname. I didn’t go because I was too shy back then. Plus, I would have been embarassed if he really had not been talking about me!

trumi's avatar

Aww, Jill! Poor guy sounds like a total sweetheart!

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