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tan253's avatar

What did you feel like after your gastroscopy?

Asked by tan253 (2958points) April 2nd, 2019

I had one on Monday – three days ago and my gut isn’t quite right.
It’s making a lot of noises and is burning like acid, also my IBS has flared up a real treat and I’m just feeling like crap.
Day 1 and 2 I actually felt better, I feel worse today. Anyone else get a flare up of ‘disorders’ after their gastroscopy? I’m going to see the Dr tomorrow. I’m not worried that anything serious is going on – probably just an imbalance in my gut, hopefully not an infection!!
What did you feel like a few days after?

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9 Answers

anniereborn's avatar

I dunno. I had one like 20 years ago for problems with reflux. I felt fine right after and the days following. But, I didn’t have IBS.

tan253's avatar

I just went to Dr- she said it’s just my body healing from it, it was so traumatic for me, the whole experience was the worst experience I’ve ever been through -it felt like an alien was trying to pry it’s way through my skin – she said my stomach felt tight, whatever that means but to go home and just rest. Never again!

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anniereborn's avatar

@tan253 Did you do it without any sedatives??

JLeslie's avatar

Sounds like they don’t drug you as much as they do here in America. When I had an upper GI scope I remember “swallowing” the tube initially, and then next thing I was waking up.

Sounds like the doctor irritated your stomach maybe. Did they see anything unusual?

tan253's avatar

I did it without sedatives!!! They found nothing, pink healthy internal body which is great and now I feel like I’ve been hit by a bus.

anniereborn's avatar

@tan253 You did it fully awake? Holy cow! I would have gone nuts.
@JLeslie When I had it I didn’t remember a thing besides them talking to me and then next I knew I was done.

JLeslie's avatar

@tan253 If you ever have to do it again ask for a sedative. Especially someone like you should have been sedated since you tend to worry, but honestly, I would have freaked out doing it not sedated.

I was crying before it to begin with, and a woman in the ER waiting room had to calm me down. My big phobia is throwing up and the idea of a tube going past my gag reflex had me a nervous reck. I hadn’t even been looked at by a doctor yet, I was just waiting in the ER, but I guessed right about what they would do.

In the end it wasn’t bad, but I was drugged.

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