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JLeslie's avatar

Have Republicans been against or in favor of Putin lining up his army on the Ukraine border?

Asked by JLeslie (65875points) February 22nd, 2022

I ask, because my husband just told me that Trump said Putin was doing a great job and that the US should do that on our southern border.

I’m just wondering if Republicans, or more specifically Trump supporters, who have been saying Putin is horrible for what he has been doing all of a sudden have changed their tune now that Trump is saying it is great.

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9 Answers

HP's avatar

This is a question of semantics and definitions. If the “party” is taken to mean legislators professing the Republican affiliation, this is the rare issue where Republican views coincide unanimously with those of their Democratic counterparts.p

JLeslie's avatar

@HP Mostly I mean the average person, not politicians. Although, I’d be interested in what politicians are saying and doing also.

HP's avatar

I don’t believe the average American could properly spell Ukraine or come within 500 miles of finding it on a map. However, they appear virtually unanimous in their willingness to view Russia’s behavior as evil, without consideration of that country’s views or motives. And I’m talking not only about Putin’s motives, but the concerns of the Russian people regarding their country’s history with its borders.

JLeslie's avatar

I wonder what the Trump supporters are thinking about what Trump said? Or, maybe most of them haven’t heard it? Are their news sources reporting it?

KNOWITALL's avatar

@JLeslie I agree with @HP. Not many Americans in general even realize those two portions of Ukraine are controlled by seperatists.

seawulf575's avatar

Not really anyone I have seen. I think there are MANY that understand that Putin is doing much of this because he recognizes what a cream puff Joe Biden is. He knows that Joe will not challenge him seriously and that Joe cannot round up NATO countries effectively. But understanding why he is doing it is a far cry from supporting it or thinking it is right. I think Trump was making a joke, though not a particularly funny one. Putin is lining troops up on his border and it would great if Biden did that to our southern border.

JLeslie's avatar

@seawulf575 Are you saying you agree it would be great if we put military troops at our Southern border like what Putin is doing? Trump said we should do the same at our Southern border.

Russia is not only putting troops; Russia is threatening to conquer Ukraine and absorb it back into Russia. Are you looking to take over Mexico and further south and make it part of the US?

I haven’t kept up with the situation at the Ukraine border, I thought NATO is in line with the US on being against what is happening.

seawulf575's avatar

@JLeslie No, I’m saying that is the sad joke Trump was trying to make. I’m all for securing our southern border and getting control of immigration again. But not really looking to invade Mexico, or any other country for that matter.

NATO has had a fairly lackluster attitude towards what the US has suggested. Biden wanted to sanction Russia, but two of the biggest NATO allies, Germany and Italy, have basically balked. Something along the line of “Yes, we support sanctions on Russia, just nothing on the fossil fuels they ship out.”.

JLeslie's avatar

@seawulf575 Ok, thanks for clarifying.

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