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janbb's avatar

In what ways are you getting better at your craft or talent?

Asked by janbb (63328points) February 28th, 2022

I just finished a little painting for my granddaughter and at the end, I nearly ruined it with bad whiskers on the mouse. Instead of gnashing and wailing as I would have done years ago, I was able to use a technique to get rid of them. I realized that I am getting much better at finding solutions when I mess up in painting.

What improvements do you see in your work – of any kind?

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13 Answers

rebbel's avatar

I have almost completely mastered the art of being a cat; it took me a few lockdowns but now I sleep around 16 hours per day.
Almost as much as my cat.

My other hobby, photography, is going downhill.
I’ve noticed that if one doesn’t keep shooting, one loses some knowledge.
One = I.

janbb's avatar

@rebbel Maybe the cat should take photos of you? But really – there’s all that wonderful atmospheric scenery in the Netherlands to photograph. Hope you can wake up enough to get out and rediscover it.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I am mastering domestic skills. Including reducing my food budget. My credit card debt should be paid in 3 years or less if I don’t lapse and go on a shopping spree on Skip the dishes and Amazon.

I am trying only to drink tap water and milk. Everything else is a treat, and not a daily thing.

Chestnut's avatar

Practice makes perfect says this artist and musician.

Mimishu1995's avatar

A few days ago a friend of mine told me she could see my drawing improving in each new picture. I’m not sure how I changed really. I just know that my lastest pictures look more pleasant than the last.

rebbel's avatar

@janbb I’m sure, that when spring comes around I’ll go out again, with the camera.
Bit hard to let my cat be home alone…
He doesn’t like to go out with me.

janbb's avatar

^^ Here’s some inspiration for you.

By the way, I’ve always heard that one advantage of cats over dogs is that you could leave them alone at home.

rebbel's avatar

Oh yeah, one could.
But I can’t.
I love him so much.

That’s pretty damn cute and very clever, the squirrel photos!
Maybe Tsounouri can be my squirrel.

smudges's avatar

I’ve become less afraid to try new stitches in beading, and also less stressed about making mistakes. I leave them if they’re not very significant, and take it out back to the mistake if it is. If it’s simply one wrong colored bead and doesn’t stand out, we call them ‘spirit beads’. I made a 7×8 tapestry of my sister’s Boxer, Dozer, that took a few months and helped me feel accomplished. I’ll make a kaleidocycle one of these days.
(click on the arrow to the right in the pic to see it in action)

chyna's avatar

@smudges Beautiful work!

smudges's avatar

Isn’t it?! I didn’t make that; it’s an example of one of the many things that can be made with tiny little beads. One of the teachers I had for a class has made jewelry pieces for Melissa Etheridge and Steven Tyler of Aerosmith, among others.

chyna's avatar

Wow! That is impressive!

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