Social Question

LadyMarissa's avatar

Would you care if Joe Rogan left Spotify?

Asked by LadyMarissa (16139points) April 1st, 2022

Joe Rogan made a deal to broadcast exclusively on Spotify. Now that Rogan is receiving backlash on some of the things he’s chosen to do or say, Spotify has come in & pulled 70 of his shows because they might be found offensive. Now Rogan is up in arms & threatening to leave Spotify. I never listen to his podcast, so I wouldn’t care at all that he chose to leave. Do you listen to Rogan or would you miss him if he chooses to leave?

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32 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

I would miss him as much as I miss Rush Limbaugh.
Rogan isn’t funny, and he has no expertise in anything besides being a blowhard. He adds nothing positive to the zeitgeist. I question the management of Spotify spending so much money on him.

SquirrelEStuff's avatar

What makes a great interviewer is their ability to ask good questions as if they have no expertise in anything.

I used to listen to Rogans podcast daily. I don’t listen nearly as much anymore for no other reason than I founded a company back in 2016 that has consumed much of my time over the past few years. However, I credit much of having my company to listening to his podcast, especially early on, being exposed to people like Tim Ferris, who taught me a ton of what I know that has gotten me to this point.

I can honestly say that listening to his podcast has made me a better person and more successful than I may have been had I not listened to his podcast.

I wouldn’t care if he left Spotify because I believe he has a strong enough audience that it would likely spawn his own platform. Standup comedians are entrepreneurs by default and should never be censored unless calling for violence.

filmfann's avatar

I wouldn’t mind if he left this planet.

Kropotkin's avatar

No. He’s a fucking idiot. And so are most of his guests.

elbanditoroso's avatar

It’s a free country. He can move anywhere he wants to work.

I don’t listen to him now, and I won’t in the future.

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

Won’t hurt my feelings a bit. Screw him and the donkey he rode in on.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I don’t even know what Spotify is.

LadyMarissa's avatar

@Nomore_Tantrums He might enjoy it…the donkey I’m NOT so sure!!!

@zenvelo I haven’t checked into the figures, but the ones thrown out were that he was offered $100M to sign exclusively with Spotify & that morphed into $200M by the time he started his podcast.

I didn’t care for him when he was doing his standup & his stint on Fear Factor did even less for my Experience!!! His arrogance reminds me a ton of my abusive ex so that might skew my perception just a little bit.

At the same time, I don’t feel that he should be censored & I sure don’t care IF he chooses to leave as I have absolutely NO plans to listen to his lip service!!!

zenvelo's avatar

@LadyMarissa But nobody is censoring him. Criticizing someone for spewing bad information that can cause people to die isn’t censorship, it is called rebuttal.

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

@Dutchess_III It is a streaming service, music / podcasts

LadyMarissa's avatar

@zenvelo He’s claiming that Spotify is blocking 70 of his podcasts. IF that’s true, that’s censoring him. You attacking him for 70 of his podcasts being bad information is rebuttal. Lightbulb just went on…Spotify can’t fire him without paying out a small fortune, so they piss him off enough to leave. They’re happy & don’t care IF he’s happy or not!!!

jca2's avatar

I don’t listen to him so it wouldn’t matter to me one iota.

zenvelo's avatar

@LadyMarissa That’s not censorship, Spotify is not a government agency, they are a private business that can take action to preserve their business.

I am getting a bit tired of right wing butt hurt snowflakes complaining that the big bad corporations are “censoring” them for spreaidng lies and dangerous info.

jca2's avatar

Maybe he can have his show on the Trump Network.

If he has a contract and it doesn’t have a clause in it where he would get paid if he’s terminated, or a severance contract, or a morals clause or whatever, and he gets paid off despite them terminating him, he should be happy. Getting paid without having to work is the best thing ever.

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

@zenvelo Thats ok bud, just don’t say the “Gay” word out loud. They will really have a melt down.

hat's avatar

@zenvelo: “That’s not censorship, Spotify is not a government agency, they are a private business that can take action to preserve their business.”

You’re confusing constitutional issues related to the first amendment and the concept of censorship. Of course Spotify censoring specific content is censorship. The term itself is pretty clear. You may feel that a corporation has a right to censor specific content. But that’s quite different than saying that it’s not censorship.

Additionally, when corporations own the means of communication, it’s not very helpful to discuss the concept of censorship strictly in terms of government rules/actions. There are legitimate issues of speech on the table, and brushing them off by claiming that only governments actions can be considered censorship uses US-specific constitutional/legal language to side-step the issue altogether. In other words, it’s not a valid response.

Regardless of what you feel about Rogan, there are real ethical and practical issues to be discussed regarding private ownership of speech. And you outright claim that it’s “right wing butt hurt snowflakes complaining that the big bad corporations are “censoring” them for spreaidng lies and dangerous info”. Yet, the left has always been the voice left out of corporate media. To dismiss legit concerns as a right-wing issue is factually incorrect. There are actual principles at play here, and they shouldn’t be too complicated for you to understand.

janbb's avatar

Hi Tom.

hat's avatar

And to answer the original question: Rogan is one of the dumbest and least-funny people to have ever lived. I have listened to many of the episodes over the years because I was curious about a guest, but can’t get myself to do it again. That said, JRE is no worse (and in many ways better) than anything ever produced by MSNBC, Fox, CNN or other corporate media.

I wouldn’t personally care if Rogan was not on Spotify any longer. But I do have a general interest in the larger principles, and I’m keeping an eye on the whole Lowkey issue.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I am getting a bit tired of right wing butt hurt snowflakes complaining that the big bad corporations are “censoring” them for spreaidng lies and dangerous info.

FYI…I an NOT a right winger, nor am I butt hurt, nor am I a snowflake. I believe in the right of people to have their OWN opinion whether I agree with it or NOT. I also don’t like people burning books just because they don’t like them, yet I feel they have the right to not like them. I just don’t care for closed minded people that fall either right or left. I’m getting really tired of people getting offended over NOTHING!!!

Zaku's avatar

I’d like Rogan to go away and not speak on anything, because I think he’s a problematically foolish attention whore and doesn’t deserve public attention. Other than that, I don’t really care because I don’t give him any attention except when others get me to listen to something.

LadyMarissa's avatar

IF he disappeared today, I’d NOT miss him for even 1 second!!! I NEVER tune in to one of his podcasts, but I have seen a couple of vlogs simply because of who was his guest. Usually click OFF in less than 1 minute!!!

zenvelo's avatar

@LadyMarissa My comment was not directed to you, my apologies if it appeared that way.

I was commenting on Joe Rogen complaining about being censored.

Blackberry's avatar

I listened to most of his stuff so I haven’t listened in awhile.

He had really good shows when guests were on talking about the dangers of plastics, the field of neuroscience, archaeology etc.

SquirrelEStuff's avatar

Man, I used to think that most of the people on this site are half way intelligent. It is amazing how many people want to silence Rogan when all the guy does is talk to people for three hours in an uncensored manner, that we almost get nowhere else at this point.
The dude is a standup comedian and has made more money just talking than I would imagine most of the people this site combined in their career.

Albert Einstein once wrote, “Laws alone can not secure freedom of expression; in order that every man present his views without penalty there must be spirit of tolerance in the entire population.”

I fear for the future of my daughter seeing some of the comments on here from what I thought were intelligent people.

As far as censorship and Rogan, I have to imagine he is being censored in some way. His show used to be live and is not any longer. I can’t imagine Spotify has no ability to stream live.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I don’t want him censored; & at the same time, I would NOT lose a second of sleep IF he’d simply STFU!!! I didn’t like his standup, I didn’t like him on Fear Factor, & he’s ONLY growing more arrogant with age…so NO love loss when he’s NO longer around!!!

mazingerz88's avatar

Haven’t heard any of Rogan’s podcast or seen any comedy routine he made in social media. Almost was not aware he existed. Until the Spotify controversy. If he deliberately spread false information about Covid to get attention and to be controversial like the douchebag donald trump, I would care enough for him to go to hell.

SEKA's avatar

He tends to parrot everything thumper says. He promoted every weird cure for Covid except vaccines

LadyMarissa's avatar

His standup blossomed in the late 80’s or maybe early 90’s but he NEVER tickled my funny bone!!!

Zaku's avatar

@SquirrelEStuff I don’t want to “censor” Rogan either, but look, I ignore pop crap hard, and yet even I have looked into Rogan enough to see what he is and several cases of very irresponsible bullshit.

And the fact that he gets so much attention that even I know that, and that some people would take him as a reasonable person when he spews fuckheadery such as (dang it, you got me to Google the scum again!):

* Rogan said he would “rather vote for Trump than Biden”

* In April 2021, Rogan made false remarks about COVID-19 vaccines, in particular claiming that young, healthy people do not need to be vaccinated against the virus.

* He had a positive Covid test and “released an online video reporting on the status of his condition and stating that he had begun a regimen including monoclonal antibodies, prednisone, azithromycin, NAD drip, a vitamin drip, as well as ivermectin”

* I’ve heard some clips of him saying the racist shit and though “Rogan apologized, calling his past language “regretful and shameful” while also saying that the clips were “taken out of context” and he only quoted the slur to discuss its use by others.”, it was clear to me that no, he was putting out racist bullshit in those clips, and trying to say they were taken out of context? No.

Adds up to I wish he wasn’t broadcasting, and/or that our population was smart enough to NOT be susceptible to such things.

I’m not going to call for censorship, but I think the world would be better off without his commentary, and any media outlet that publishes his shit is responsible for spreading that shit.

And if you value people and their opinions based on how much money they made bullshitting on the radio, then I strongly suggest you revisit the logic of that.

Blackberry's avatar

It seemed no one cared until the covid thing happened.

It was a really emotional time for a lot of people, with me even being surprised that a few said the unvaccinated should be charged with 1st degree murder (lol), not on this forum by the way, I should clarify.

So basically anyone with any type of following was going to be hammered either way. Unfortunately covid did take a lot of lives, everyone was in panic mode trying to stop people from doing something stupid, and everything got outta hand.

Now, unfortunately….Joe is just gonna be the “bad covid ivermectin guy, he killed people”.

But before all this, I already knew he had no ill intention. He just got too big on what was locker room convo with some scientists and athletes sprinkled in. We all knew he shoulda stayed on youtube. They were simpler times.

Jeruba's avatar

Means nothing at all to me.

Brian1946's avatar

I haven’t seen him onscreen since “NewsRadio”, and I barely noticed him then.

I thought Andy Dick and Phil Hartman were a lot better.
If it had to be, I wish there was a Brynn Rogan, instead of Hartman.

I wouldn’t care if there never was a Joe Rogan, much less whether he leaves Spotify.

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