Social Question

Zaku's avatar

What would you think about someone who writes to you, that they hate you?

Asked by Zaku (30525points) January 17th, 2023

(I think I know the typical answer to this, but someone thinks otherwise, so I’d like to take a poll.)

You’re chatting on computer with someone for a bit. Then after some days, they ask you something that you don’t reply to for a couple of days. Then they send a message “I hate you.”

What would your reaction be:

A) understand that if they can hate you because you ignore them, therefore they love or respect you.

B) decide you just don’t understand real friendship. It’s your own fault they’re saying they hate you.

C) think that person is awful and not worth hearing from again, and block/ignore/avoid them after that

D) other.

Please, if willing, indicate your gender in your response.


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20 Answers

Acrylic's avatar

D) Not really care.

chyna's avatar

C. They don’t deserve your friendship. I’m female.

NoMore's avatar

Male. D Oh well, shit is rough all over. And as my Old Pappy used to say, Five years from now they’ll never know the difference.

JLoon's avatar

D. Work harder at being feared.

I try to remind myself it’s just part of life that someone will always think otherwise – But they should be punished anyway.


You’re welcome.

seawulf575's avatar

Male. D – Damaged goods. Wildly emotional to go from friendly to hate over something so trivial

gorillapaws's avatar

Male. D—It’s the internet. I assume everyone is a weirdo unless proven otherwise.

When I was in middle school, my friends and I thought it was the pinnacle of hilarity to go on chatrooms and talk to “girls” for a while and then arbitrarily say something ridiculous like “Well it’s been nice talking, but I’ve got to go feed the goats.” “Goats?” “Yeah we’re goats herders in Costa Rica.”

In all likelihood and with the benefit of hindsight, we were probably talking to very disappointed pedophiles. Moral of the story is that it’s the internet, don’t sweat it or take it too seriously.

smudges's avatar

C. The person isn’t necessarily awful, but they probably either have some issues or are immature, or both. I’m glad to have found out sooner rather than later.


Dutchess_III's avatar

Female: “O brother.”

janbb's avatar

If it’s near the beginning of an online friendship or dating relationship; “good riddance to bad rubbish.” They’re not worth it.

If it has more meaning to you, you could query them and pursue it but it’s certainly a big red flag. Female

RayaHope's avatar

My public answer:
I have better things to do then waste my time with toxic people. female

my private answer maybe a little different

jca2's avatar

I’m a female.

I’d acknowledge to myself that it was wrong of me to leave them hanging for a few days, but very inappropriate and weird of them to use the word “hate” to describe their feelings. I would no longer correspond with them.

Jons_Blond's avatar


I’d block them. I have no time for drama in my life.


NoMore's avatar

Boohoo I’ll tell my mommy on youuu. Better yet challenge them to duel. Cue balls at twenty paces. First one to be knocked silly buys the beer. Problem solved.

kritiper's avatar

I’d think “Well. shit the bed!” Then I’d forget about it and go on with my day.

snowberry's avatar

D. They are sick, mentally off somehow, etc. I would forget them, block them, or whatever. Their opinion of me has no bearing on who I am.

I’m female.

Mimishu1995's avatar

This was actually what happened to me when I was in high school, though not exactly the same thing. Back then I had a toxic friend that required my attention 24/24. She would message me regularly on FB. And she did that every single time she saw me going online. But she usually just messaged links to song she was listening. I didn’t respond to those messages because how could I reply to her? They were just songs. And that’s the thing: if I didn’t reply to her, the next day I went to school I would hear a long rant about how I didn’t care about her and how I wasn’t behaving like a real friend. And that only took less that 24 hours, not even a couple of days. It got to the point where I became genuinely afraid of going on FB because I was afraid she would see me online and do that thing again. Eventually I figured out how to hide my online status on FB and I immediately activated it just to get away from her.

So yeah, my answer would be somewhere close to C. And I’m female, but I guess you already know it.

LadyMarissa's avatar

Female (D) I wouldn’t care, but take note that they bring drama with them & drama is something that I purposely don’t bring into my life!!! They appear to be immature & childish & I’d let them work that out on their own. I wouldn’t take the time to block them…just yet. I’d go on with my life without including them in it by ignoring them!!! There is NO rule that says that you “have to” talk to them just because they talk to you.

Forever_Free's avatar

Male. Hate is a strong word. The issue is theirs. BLOCKED

SnipSnip's avatar

Nothing other than someone hates me. So it goes. Not five seconds of my life affected.

Jaxk's avatar

I wouldn’t take it literally but rather just a snark to get your attention. The offense is a bit too trivial to take the response literally. – Male

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