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Dig_Dug's avatar

If you could, would you do the Door Dash thing for extra money?

Asked by Dig_Dug (4259points) March 21st, 2023

They sure are advertising a bunch lately. I’d worry about getting robbed or worse going into a sketchy neighborhood.

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14 Answers

gorillapaws's avatar

I’d worry about making less than minimum wage when all expenses are factored in.

JLeslie's avatar

A friend of mine who used to be a $200K guy did it for a few years after he retired. He liked it better than being an Uber driver, which he did at first for several months. He said Uber he couldn’t turn down jobs, but door dash he could. After a few years he got an offer to be a $75K guy working from home, so he is doing that now.

NoMore's avatar

My DIL does it part-time, don’t think I’d care for it.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I did the pizza delivery thing way back when they first started “we will deliver in 30 minutes or less or it’s free”. I loved the job, but I lost money big time. It wore out my car. Yes, it gave me fast cash on the front end, but the expenses outweighed the income in the long run. I never got robbed, but people didn’t think that way back then. Yes, it happened occasionally to others; but very few people felt they were entitled to snatch the money that you were trying to earn. Now days, I know I wouldn’t be interested because people are too mean!!!

jca2's avatar

I wouldn’t. I think more about not wanting to put wear and tear on my car and the liability of being in an accident and the insurance company finding out the car was used for work, it might not be covered.

Zaku's avatar

I could, and don’t.

Caravanfan's avatar

My daughter did for a summer. Hated it.

JLeslie's avatar

I forgot to say, I would prefer not to do it. I’d have my mom in my head saying it’s dangerous. Where I live I’d feel fairly safe though, so if I had no other option I’d consider it.

Forever_Free's avatar

never. I have done Uber and Lyft driving in the past. It’s not worth it

Acrylic's avatar

Nope, nope, nope. I’m a delivery driver as a main income, 30+ years, just not into the independent contractor customer service route. For extra income I’d rather concentrate on my art. Even if it doesn’t sell (most don’t) it’s still fun and relaxing to do.

Entropy's avatar

If I needed it? Probably. But getting robbed isn’t really my concern. It’s that it’s a relatively low compensation job. I can make alot more money other ways. But not everyone can, so to each their own.

Lightlyseared's avatar

If I needed work then yes. But it would not be my first choice.

YARNLADY's avatar

My son, his wife, and MIL do it a lot. They apparently make good money at it, and often get free food due to provider mistakes (and sometimes generosity).

SnipSnip's avatar

I don’t know exactly what that is but if it’s a delivery job, no.

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