General Question

Nevada83's avatar

Does anyone know where I can find this radio commercial?

Asked by Nevada83 (1022points) 3 months ago

It’s about an airline pilot. And he talks about the fact that the clouds are green. He then says something along the lines of “Well, that’s corn. How do I know that? You have to know a lot when you’re captain and leave it at that.”

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12 Answers

Smashley's avatar

If you figure it out, let me know. I’ve found amazingly few folks documenting radio ads over the years. Most shows are podcasted now, with custom ads, but the broadcast ads seem to be hard to track down.

jca2's avatar

A lot of radio ads are local, so unless someone lives in that area, it’s not likely that they’re going to have heard that ad. Local attorneys, local home improvement services, local stores, local restaurants.

Nevada83's avatar

@Smashley Now that I thought a little harder, I think I remember that it was a Monsanto commercial, the agrochemical company.

Smashley's avatar

That should make the search easier. I’d check the annals of YouTube. It’s quite possible either Monsanto or some private citizen has posted it, or a bunch of similar ads, including it.

Dutchess_III's avatar

You find it?

Nevada83's avatar


No, I’m still waiting for an email back from the radio station I heard it on. I know it’s a long shot, but worth a try I guess.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well it’s driving me crazy! Please let us know!

Nevada83's avatar


LMAO, I will be sure to post it here as soon as I find it or the radio station emails me back. I also posted this question on Reddit, on r/tipofmytongue, so I’m cautiously optimistic.

jca2's avatar

Did you put the deets in the YouTube search bar and check there?

Nevada83's avatar


Several times. I got other Monsanto commercials, not that particular one.

Nevada83's avatar

I’m going to tune into the station and listen to it all day and if by some miracle I hear it again… I should probably add I heard it years ago.

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