What can you REALLY do for fun and for free on the internet?
Asked by
Mtl_zack (
October 9th, 2008
theres social networking, which are all the same, youtube, flickr, email, play games, but you often have to pay, and the rest is porn.
and of course fluther!!
everything is either already done or costs money. in an age of “no restrictions”, how do we make the borders farther away?
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41 Answers
In rough order of the amount of time I spend on each per week:
1. Forums (including Fluther, of course) – both lurking and posting.
2. Youtube
3. Wikipedia
4. Random articles on interesting things
5. Playing flash games
6. Porn
7. Checking webcomics
This is also assuming that reading/watching things I have downloaded from the internet doesn’t count.
Google up “Flyff”. Good way to burn some time for free. Also, look up www.projectblack.com – lots of free entertainment there (made by yours truly)
well i don’t know if this fits your definition of fun, but the new york times is free, and i spend a lot of my internet time there.
”...and the rest is porn..”
I don’t understand what the problem is.
Okay, I get it. Not everyone loves porn. Well, I could spend hours, days even, here
@lcg: that can be fun if there are amusing articles about things that dont usually happen.
@aidje: ill try that out tommorrow. im going to bed.
@lovelock: ill check out that site later for the same reason as stated above.
@emilynathon: porn is good, but masterbating isnt something that i feel i should do everyday and to ease boredom, b/c i get bored A LOT.
@ allie: stumble upon is fun, but addicting. and its more of a way of advertising the sometimes amusing things on the net, rather than a thing, if you think about it.
@emilynathon – wow, that will be fun
Ooh…kind of like online Mouse Trap!
(My most favouritest childhood board game.)
When i first discovered StumbleUpon i would stay up all night finding all kinds of fun things to read and watch and entertain myself with. I really had to ween myself off of it. Its highly addictive. Especially for that late night, slightly intoxicated browsing.
I also spend loads of time on Flickr, Hulu, and the NYtimes. I have been trying to stay away from Stumble these days purely because i just don;‘t have the time to procrastinate…(it’s great for writers/artistic block though).
@ emilynathon: thanks for making me stay up another hour. that game is so fun and addictive. im gonna be late for my 8:30 class though… ill get notes from a friend i guess. now for more contraption :D
Emi: Yeah. You’re killin’ us here.
At first I read that as Fantastic Contraception. I was kinda off with that one. I’m not sure if I am relieved or disappointed.
@jp – i did the same. and all the little bubbles that pop up at the beginning only reinforced that thought.
Read news daily from NYT and Slate.com, have a peek at Drudge to see the distaff view, check stock market, weather, TV and fluther.
I have a college listserv that generates topics and questions that pique my interest (and don’t require editing to be understood.) Email to close family who are far away.
Occasionally will do some research for a few things; organic and nutritious cat food, issue of new dig. TVs next year, comforter cover.
The Incredible Machine was amazing.
I watch TV shows and movies on HULU.com. Sometimes my husband and I snuggle up with each other and the laptop and watch movies… We have to snuggle – only way we both can see the screen. Helps to do this on a cool night cuz the heat from the laptop can get hot on your legs!
Porn- youporn, redtube, tokyoporn
MMORPG- maple story, WOW
Movies – youtube, crunchyroll, tv-link.net
PLENTY of stuffs to do. I cant imagine life without the internet anymore.
(stuff like English classes, perhaps?)
Ok, so check out this crazy contraption mess
The idea is to build some combination of wheels and rods to get the solid pink ball into the pink area on the screen.
I’ve seen it suggested to read a blog. How about writing a blog?
woot^2 for shameless plugs
Awwww…I’m so glad everyone liked that game! I’ve had some really rough mornings at work a couple times after staying up waaaay too late playing with that thing and sacrificing sleep.
@johnpowell: I’m giggling to myself right now over Fantastic Contraception. There are so many ideas going throughg my head of what a website with that name could be.
Fire: Ha! It’s out of control! I love it.
Em: Yes, you’ve made addicts of us all.
I actually thought it said Fantastic Contraception too…and decided to click.
Hmmm…I wonder what that says about me (us).
I spent a good two hours playing that game once I linked to it. Well done sir.
I usually catch up my my feeds in Google Reader and then head over to Twitter and FriendFeed. If I have any time after that I’ll go to Hulu and watch Arrested Development or the Colbert Report.
kongregate- games
google userself, see responses
myspace- add your fav characters from movies, tv , games
Nothing is free on the internet. You, at least, still have to pay the bill.
Air is free, get out of the house.
@ChazMaz Most good houses have air in them.
ok, just read the question, and I thought, let me rephrase that, and the porn i’ve seen I have had to pay to watch it, unless you’re talking about pictures that’s free but BORING… don’t know of free porn in this planet, actually I feel like at some point you have to pay for the “free” stuff somehow :P
Fluther, Facebook and emails are fun ; for me, that’s about it.
StumpleUpon sounded intriguing, so I thought I’d check it out. In trying to sign up, I entered five different User Names, all of which it said were “already in use”.
So I tried to join using the name “AlreadyInUse”, and you guessed it…..
“Sorry…..already in use”
You know what, StumbleUpon ??.......Fuck you….
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