General Question

generalspecific's avatar

Why do natal charts sometimes contain contradictions?

Asked by generalspecific (1874points) October 14th, 2008

I was looking at mine, and it said:

-52 Opposition Venus – Uranus

Marriage is not for her and, if she does throw herself into this adventure, it will end in divorce, written off as a youthful mistake. As a result of her numerous love affairs, she makes sure her line is continued.

and then further down it said:

Jupiter in VII

She makes a good marriage, with a useful partner who helps to bring success if only by his advice. She never goes outside the bounds of legality.

I mean, shouldn’t it all sort of go together? I dunno, I just don’t understand it.

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7 Answers

augustlan's avatar

Maybe because it’s just a lot of mumbo-jumbo?

generalspecific's avatar

ps—also, please no ranting about how astrology is a bunch of bs.

@ august.. beat me to it. damn.

augustlan's avatar

Sorry : (

jvgr's avatar

OK No bs allowed.
You don’t understand it now, but I guarantee you that you will.
Save that information in a safe place.
50 years from today, take it out and read it again.
You will be able to make sense of it then.

Critter38's avatar

Q.1. Natal charts sometimes contain contradictions for fundamental reasons that I am not allowed to specify on the grounds that such information might infringe on your desire to protect your beliefs from evidence-based challenges.

Q.2. No, it should not all sort of go together for fundamental reasons that I am not allowed to specify on the grounds that such information might infringe on your desire to protect your beliefs from evidence-based challenges.

Q.3. You are completely correct in not understanding the inherrent contradiction that you are faced with for fundamental reasons that I am not allowed to specify on the grounds that such information might infringe on your desire to protect your beliefs from evidence-based challenges.

jasongarrett's avatar

You have pointed out that it’s self-contradicting nonsense; you don’t need us to tell you it’s BS.

unacornea's avatar

that sounds like it’s a chart done by a computer program that gives simple descriptions of each aspect and doesn’t look at the interactions between all the aspects. if you really want to understand your chart you should go to an astrologer who can read and interpret it for you. it is an art, not a science, and if you find a good astrologer it can be really helpful just in giving you insight into where you’re at, where you’re headed, what you’re building on, and what underlying currents you are dealing with in various aspects of your life. i know a good one in the bay area if you’re local.

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