Meta Question

tonedef's avatar

Does Fluther make you feel good?

Asked by tonedef (3935points) October 21st, 2008

As I was answering a question, I glanced up to where my username is, and the “feel-good” text was, “Have you changed shampoos?” I thought that was cute and sweet, and I thought about it for a little bit.

These little messages honestly do make me feel a little better when I’m having a rough day. And soon, I’ll check my e-mail and read, “Oh my gosh! Great news! Somebody has answered your question!”

The pervasive optimism included in the UI really is a big part of the experience for me. But what about you? Fun or fluff?

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10 Answers

MrMeltedCrayon's avatar

I tend to think of it as fun fluff, not exactly one or the other. And while I do agree that the general atmosphere of Fluther charming and clever, I can’t really say that I’ve ever had my mood changed very much by it.

GAMBIT's avatar

Fluther is a little lighter and friendlier than other discussion sites I have visited. The people here are well informed and the moderators are fast to keep things in proper context. Yes I enjoy fluther and it does make me happy to participate.

jvgr's avatar

No, the “pervasive optimism included in the UI” isn’t a part of my experience.
I’m a pessimist.
After I noticed this aspect of Fluther and began to pay attention I understood it to be similar to reading your daily horoscope in the shortest syndicated column written.

mea05key's avatar

I get addicted to flutter sometimes.

I am glad that there are ppl that share common interest with me.

Snoopy's avatar

In answer to your question….it depends.

Some days it makes me feel good…and occasionally it does not…

I am still trying to find my way around here….despite the ease w/ which people seem to connect on here, I still feel like a dingy in a dinghy at times.

PIXEL's avatar

Yeah Fluther does make me feel good. Also if it wasn’t for the website looks I wouldn’t have stayed this long. I left Yahoo Answers after about hmm.. 1 week.

rowenaz's avatar

YES! Sometimes I feel down, and forget that I can actually be entertaining. I’m too exhausted to go out, but here I can be a funny and witty, once in a blue moon, and I get a great laugh sometimes from other people’s writings. I really enjoyed the list of sites that other flutherites often go to, which were listed in one posting a while ago – opened up a new world for me!

augustlan's avatar

The feel good text was fun when I first noticed it, but now I hardly ever look at it. In general, though, I do love the “tone” of the site. For the most part, what really makes me happy is the connection and camraderie of such a diverse group of truly intelligent (and funny) people. Wish it could be duplicated in the real world!

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