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AstroChuck's avatar

Why do I have such disdain for people who have Christmas wreaths on the grills of their automobiles?

Asked by AstroChuck (37660points) December 4th, 2008 from iPhone

Am I alone in this? Do you think that these people are humps? I hate these people almost as much as drivers with bumper stickers praising their children’s scholastic accomplishments.

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32 Answers

poofandmook's avatar

my ex used to do this, but his reasoning was because he drove for a living, where most people would decorate their desks, he didn’t have one, so he’d decorate his work SUV. You don’t really have many options except a wreath on the grill.

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

We must live in a way different neighborhood AC, because I can’t recall ever seeing wreaths on car grills. On semi trucks, yes. As for the kid stickers I loathe them. I do like some tho. My fave: My honor student can beat up your honor student.

amandala's avatar

Thankfully, I’ve never seen a wreath on car grills. Obnoxious car decorations—flags, wreaths, whatever—drive me crazy. It’s just…stupid, as are kid stickers. There’s one that I like, though: “My kid knocked up your honor student.”

Mizuki's avatar

In my nieghborhood guys drive around with their screaming mistress’ on their hoods—you must live in a nicer neighborhood than I.

TaoSan's avatar

If I have a wreath on my grill it’s the one I just picked up driving through some poor shmuck’s living room drunk HAHAAAAAARRRRR

arnbev959's avatar

I saw one today. It bothered me, but only because it’s December 4th, and I don’t like seeing anything Christmas-y until at least the thirteenth.

Closer to Christmas I don’t mind them. They’re hideous, but not so hideous as the grills of most automobiles.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

The wreaths on the front of a semi I can see because drivers are gone from home for sometimes weeks at a time. But on the front of a car or an SUV, yeah, that’s cheesy. So’s garland on a luggage rack. :-(

AstroChuck's avatar

And since I’m venting, I might as well get it all out.
I HATE when you get a Christmas card with an effin’ family letter inside.
“Billy has been accepted at Stanford and Janie just completed having a solid gold bowel movement…blah, blah, blah.”
Who the f*** cares?!

flameboi's avatar

I have a voodoo doll hanging in the mirror of my SUV (please astro don’t kill me)
I’m not a very xmas person either, and, I don’t like the bumper stickers (ewww)

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@AstroChuck, have you ever seen the letters that everything is doom & gloom. They’re just done as a joke & they’re funny.

AstroChuck's avatar

Hey flameboy, birthday coming up!

peedub's avatar

I couldn’t agree with you more. Almost equally as lame are the fake limbs protruding from (probably the same) vehicles during halloween.

I have to say, though, I’m a sucker for the dirty stuffed animal twined to a trailer hitch or tow-truck arm. Those guys are a different breed.

mamasu's avatar

How about the string of lights, which I assume are battery operated, rigged up around luggage racks and truck beds. I saw one yesterday and was stunned by the twinkling colors combined with the reindeer antlers rigged up on top of the car and the wreath on the grill. My first thought was wondering how long before someone slashes that guys tires.

SuperMouse's avatar

I loathe them, just loathe them, but I can do them one better. Today I saw a car with a red fuzzy ball on the grill and – I kid you not – antlers on the windows.

I hate those “honor student” bumper stickers too. Here in The Cornfield they have this interesting habit of putting stickers on the rear windows of cars with the name of the child’s athletic or dance team, along with their name and jersey number, I find that one annoying and bizarre. Oh and while we’re at it, how about those stick figure “families” on the back windows of SUV’s?

TaoSan's avatar

aaaaargh, the family stickers durch!!!

If they have the family stick-men I always feel the urge to sneak up at night and superglue a pissing Calvin right on top of it MUAHAHAAAAA

chyna's avatar

@supermouse I just started noticing those stick figure “families” this past week. I noticed one and then it seemed like every SUV has one. I don’t know that it bothers me that much, but i do have this irrational feeling of SMASHING THEIR WINDOW. (ok, I’m better now)

AstroChuck's avatar

Ahhh. All this hate does my heart good.

TaoSan's avatar


loser's avatar

I hate those darn things too!!! (shudder!)
My fav sticker: My dog bit your honor student

TaoSan's avatar

eeeeouw, good thing I kept a screenshot, haha!

scamp's avatar

Oh God!! My SO does the wreath thing, and I don’t even want to get in his car, ha ha!! I just bought a ssecond car, and he asked me if I wanted him to buy a wreath for it. I wanted to just smack him!!

Knotmyday's avatar

I thought auto wreaths were the epitome of tacky; then I saw this.

Happy Yule, y’all.

scamp's avatar

@Knotmyday Too funny! Look at some of the ones posted here.

Knotmyday's avatar

“potted tinsel topiary.” hee hee, thanks scamp. I hope i don’t have nightmares about that thing

scamp's avatar

ha ha!! I thought you would enjoy those!! sweet dreams!

jlm11f's avatar

I didn’t even know people did that till Allie just showed me a picture of it. Ohians just know better

And Chuckie, wait till you get the Xmas card I sent you. I list all my achievements from this year with the Top 3 achievements detailed with what exactly I was thinking while the event was taking place. Also, I end the letter with a self-reflection on my life so far. =D

mzgator's avatar

Hey guys, Wreaths on a car at Christmas are tacky to some people. Just remember these folks are simply just enjoying the holiday. What real harm are they doing to anyone? Maybe the wreaths and decorations put them in a happy and festive mood? It’s their car, their life and their way to celebrate the holidays.

I don’t put a wreath on my car. I do have Christmas music playing in my car and home almost 24/7. That’s just one of my wacky ways to celebrate the holidays.

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

Drat. I guess I have to return the reindeer antlers and rudolph nose I was going to send you for your car, AC. Back to the drawing board, darn it.

augustlan's avatar

I have always hated those damn wreaths. I don’t think it’s a rational feeling, though.

@SuperMouse: Not just in the cornfields…they do that in Maryland, too.

amandala's avatar

I understand that these people are just trying to celebrate. I suppose that I’m not accustomed to this kind of thing because I try to hold onto my dignity while I celebrate.

flameboi's avatar

Yes, brithday coming up :s

90s_kid's avatar

it is very tacky

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