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ssteward's avatar

Is the litter problem getting worse in Britain?

Asked by ssteward (110points) January 18th, 2009

I’m pretty sure it is but I wonder if that’s because I’m getting older and I’m just being nostalgic. If you’re say, over 35, do you think it’s worse now than when you were a little kid? If so, what do you think has caused it to get worse and what do you think should be done to improve the situation? Also, is this something that you’re bothered about?

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3 Answers

Bluefreedom's avatar

I don’t live in Britain so I can’t hazard a guess on litter problems there but I would think that they are getting worse in America. Additionally, I believe that problems are worse now than when I as an adolescent and I base this on the fact that when the population increases, so does consumption of many different things which leads to a much larger accumulation of litter.

Recycling is a good method for trying to make an impact on reducing waste and helping to save resources but it can only do so much. Landfills can fill up fast in large urbanized areas and then there are the problems of running out of acreage for more disposal and possible ground contamination for all of that buried garbage. Burning the refuse threatens the air quality and dumping it in the ocean is unconscionable, in my opinion, because that pollutes what might be the last, mostly untainted environment we have left on the planet.

I care alot about the community I live in and the environment in general and yes, the litter problem is something that I find distressing because I think it is going to get much worse before we find significant ways to make it better.

introv's avatar

I used to live in an area named ‘The Dog House’ by CB radio people. The reason being that everyone let their dogs out to run wild on the street. And the streets where I lived where covered in dog shit. Now when your streets are covered in dog shit people don’t care so much about littering. I know this situation has improve massively.

We also now have sticky bins for chewing gum and judging by the amount of gum stuck on them that’s an awful lot of gum not going on the floor and on shoes.

But maybe my perception is shifted even more now I live in a much nicer area and the council of the town I live in are very efficient at clearing up litter. I dunno. Anyhoo, from where I’m sat the situation is much better.

mij's avatar

I travelled in Scotland last year and I must say it was well looked after even in some remote parts.
Glasgow and Edinburgh were especially impressive.

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