General Question

Bluefreedom's avatar

Have you ever spent a really large amount of money without telling your partner about it? Were you able to keep it a secret? If you were found out, what were the consequences, if any?

Asked by Bluefreedom (22947points) February 4th, 2009

Feel free to add as much or as little as you want regarding details.

My most expensive purchase was a computer costing about 2500 dollars. My wife found out later (and she was a little miffed) but I was able to pay it off fairly quickly so it turned out okay in the end.

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31 Answers

augustlan's avatar

Nope. I would feel too guilty!

steve6's avatar

I blew thousands of dollars in Vegas and didn’t tell my wife until we were spending the night in the Vegas airport because we arrived at 12:05 am for a 1:15 am flight and were told to wait for the morning 6:00 am flight. She was so mad about missing the flight it kind glossed over my gambling losses. The distance from the Grand Canyon back to Vegas looked a lot shorter on the map than it did hurtling through the desert in a rental car.

Dog's avatar

I haven’t but my sister did rack up thousands on credit cards. She couldn’t hide it forever and when he found out it nearly cost her the marriage. Even years later he does not fully trust her.

steve6's avatar

If you really love each other you can forgive and trust again.

Dog's avatar

@Steve6 I know I could forgive if it had happened to me. It is just the way things landed with them. To him it was a betrayal.

steve6's avatar

I definitely understand. I’m always in the doghouse. I feel her pain.

jonsblond's avatar

We are so poor, $20 missing definately goes noticed. I bought a beautiful summer dress for $75, all he noticed was how hot I looked in it and quickly took it off. ;)

steve6's avatar

Sounds like you have a wonderful young relationship. Enjoy.

jonsblond's avatar

@steve6 If you call 18 years (in a relationship) young, I’ll take that. I am definately enjoying it!

steve6's avatar

Fantastic, I’ve been with my wife 18 years and she still looks like she’s 25. I’m very happy and proud, it seems like we just met. Where does the time go? Oh, I’m also proud to say I’ve never cheated on her.

jonsblond's avatar

@steve6 That’s so sweet! I’m always asked if my sons are my brothers. You play spades?Sounds like we could have a fun couples’ night playing cards. Live in the Midwest?

steve6's avatar

Lexington, KY. Spades, Rook, and Poker. Drop by and we’ll check out the horses at Keeneland or Churchill Downs.

jonsblond's avatar

We honeymooned in Gatlinburg, TN. If we head that way we’ll give you a call! You really aren’t that far from us (central Illinois). :)

steve6's avatar

I was reared in Marion, IL.

jonsblond's avatar

We live in the outskirts of Peoria. Not that far away. Game on!

steve6's avatar

Been there. You ever see any pheasants up there?

jonsblond's avatar

Pheasants, cougars, eagles, you name it! A black bear has even been spotted in northern Illinois. The only one I’ve seen personally is an eagle, but the local paper has had pictures of the rest.

steve6's avatar

Beautiful, God’s country.

jonsblond's avatar

@steve6 Your neck of the woods isn’t so bad!

augustlan's avatar

[Mod says:] Please try to keep the discussion on topic, and utilize the PM feature for personal discussions. Thanks.

jonsblond's avatar

@augustlan I knew the teacher would scold me. Sorry! Going to bed now.

curious, why do the flirts get to flirt, but a general commanality get punished?

augustlan's avatar

No scolding…just a gentle reminder :)

jonsblond's avatar

@augustlan You know I love you, good night! :)

steve6's avatar

Good night jon girl.

jonsblond's avatar

@Bluefreedom Sorry for taking over this thread with my rambling. Lurve for the question. I was serious about my first answer. :)

Bluefreedom's avatar

@jonsblond. No worries. :o)

JellyB's avatar

Nope, can’t say i’ve done that, yet. :)

avalmez's avatar

$3700 bucks, one eve, in one club in houston, between me and my brother. she found out because next morning my bank called to verify the charge to my card. she verified the charge, asked me about it, but didn’t ask for details (not that there were any that bad to with hold).

avalmez's avatar

<—- feels dumb just recalling it

avalmez's avatar

thanks whomever for the GA :)

augustlan's avatar

Just thinking about this question, I remembered that my ex-husband bought a house without talking to me about it first! He’d gone to a real estate auction for a brand new housing development with no intention of buying anything. He just wanted to see how it worked, so we’d be better prepared for buying that way in the future. Four hours later, he called me and said “I bought a house!” Good thing for him he knew exactly what I wanted in a house, and got a great deal on it. :)

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