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AstroChuck's avatar

Ever sniff under that band-aid?

Asked by AstroChuck (37664points) February 9th, 2009 from iPhone

Come on, admit it. You smell under your band-aid. You also sniff under your watchband. What about your finger after rubbing the “cheese” behind your ear?
I can’t be the only one that does this. So what other disgusting things do you feel compelled to get a whiff of?

Really? Ugh. You disgust me.

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19 Answers

Bluefreedom's avatar

I ass-cracked a friend’s burrito one time after he made me mad. He noticed after he’d taken his first bite. I was pleased.

I really don’t have any experience sniffing weird or unusual things. Sorry.

tennesseejac's avatar

nope, i dont wear bandaids or a watch, but about a year ago i broke my ankle and when i got my cast off i did unintentionally smell my cast and it was one of the worst smells EVER

and if i ever find cheese behind my ear depending on what kind of cheese i will not take a whiff (if its cheddar its going on a burger)

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

I enjoy the scent of the crap between my toes on a rare occasion.

I also have been known to indulge in the scent of a left behind pair of panties…

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

@trumi: knocked me off my chair! That is funny.

poofandmook's avatar


I can’t help but give a little sniff when an ear piercing gets smelly. I have sensitive ear lobes.

@BlueFreedom: You did what to a burrito? Please clarify what that means, because if it is as simple as it sounds, I might be sick.

robmandu's avatar

Belly button.

Bluefreedom's avatar

@poofandmook. It is pretty much as simple as it sounds. I got the idea from the movie ‘Mall Rats’ where they did the same thing to a bunch of chocolate covered pretzels and then gave them to someone they didn’t like.

I eventually felt bad afterward for doing this to my friend and it is something I would never do again to anyone.

TaoSan's avatar


and every single time I do the viral “monkey-sniff-butt-fall-from-tree” without learning from it….

Vinifera7's avatar

I smell my fingers after scratching my balls. Just wanted everyone to know that.

TaoSan's avatar


so what’s your general aroma? You a salty one or more on the sweet side?

Vinifera7's avatar

Actually it’s a uniquely seasoned musk.

asmonet's avatar

Who else sniffs their bellybutton junk?

rob can’t be the only other one.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

Wow, there are some odd folks on here. I have never smelled under a band aid, or a watch, or my navel, or after scratching my nuts. I can’t believe that AC admitted to that.

asmonet's avatar

He didn’t admit to nut sniffing.

AstroChuck's avatar

Of course, I also didn’t not admit it.

asmonet's avatar

Well played, little man.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

I get the feeling AC will sniff anything that doesn’t sniff him first. Which leads to all sorts of mental images I’d rather not have.

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