General Question

2060's avatar

Why is facebook becoming so much popular :( fb is loosing its beauty?

Asked by 2060 (33points) February 18th, 2009

Why he became so popular, in europe mainly :(

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17 Answers

TenaciousDenny's avatar

Facebook has a penis?

2060's avatar

nope :D but he’s a boy!

Grisson's avatar

Your question seems to say that Facebook’s popularity is making it less interesting [beautiful?].

Is it that it felt like a closer community before it grew?

I think that facebook tends to appear as large a community as you let it.
If you limit your friends to those you actually know, then it doesn’t seem as large.
[Just my guess.]

Grisson's avatar

@TenaciousDenny: Software is traditionally female. Something to do with the statement delimiter in COBOL.

essieness's avatar

I personally prefer FB because it is more intuitive. It links back to practically everything. I like the ability to post links and songs, and I like being able to comment on my friends’ statuses Is statuses a word?

intro24's avatar

Because the Myspace alternative allows people to set clunky themes and make their profile really annoying. Especialsy since they can make any song they want play when you got to their profile. That and it’s overall slow and difficult to navigate. Facebook however is becoming more standard and growing. It’s used for phones and as usernames for other websites. It has also been adopted by Apple in several ways. Plus you can manage a good portion of it’s features from your phone. It’s smoother and simple to navigate around, too. Otherall, it just managed to become the best and it shows.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

I’m not on facebook, & I was tempted to join. Then I started hearing it has problems & people are increasingly getting dissatisfied with it. I’m staying off of it.

Emdean1's avatar

I currently don’t like Myspace or Facebook. And I have accounts set up on both. I use it to keep in touch with old friends mostly. Fluther is my new thing!

Grisson's avatar

FB serves its purpose, definitely different from Fluther. There’ve been some issues with it the past few days because of at least a perception that the user terms allow FB unlimited access to your photos and compositions or anything else you share.

But generally it does what it is supposed to do: let you keep in touch with people you know. (And people you don’t know, if you let it). And it’s usually not intrusive in doing that.

It also has the additional benefit of letting young’uns see Grisson go ballistic when told he shouldn’t be on it.

adreamofautumn's avatar

I actually REALLY hate that facebook is now an “open” community. I strongly believe that facebook should have stayed the way it used to be…where the only way to access it was to have a valid college email address. It was founded as a network of college students, and should have stayed that way.

elijah's avatar

I never got into facebook. I had a myspace but that got too popular so I quit it like three years ago.

Grisson's avatar

@adreamofautumn Would you have wanted to leave it when you left college?

adreamofautumn's avatar

@Grisson I’m still in school, but I am seriously considering leaving it after college. I love facebook, but I feel like it actually is just a virtual manifestation of the drama that abounds on college campus’ anyways. Also…I would not have wanted to leave it before it was changed, but now that anyone can get a facebook account too many horror stories of “so and so got turned down for a job because of something the employer saw on facebook” accounts are flying around. The only reason I am considering keeping it at all after graduation is to not lose contact with friends, but I really haven’t made a firm decision either way just yet.

Grisson's avatar

@adreamofautumn Yeah, that’s a downside. I think you can keep people from tagging you in photos, though. And with that and by not doing stupid stuff, you can keep the Facebook page ‘employer appropriate’.

Trustinglife's avatar

Yes, I’ve removed a tag of myself with a particularly unflattering photo. I don’t think you can prevent people from tagging you though.

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