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elijah's avatar

Why do the girls at my local pizzaria wear such revealing clothing?

Asked by elijah (8659points) February 22nd, 2009 from iPhone

I know this is an odd question, and I’m not even sure where to begin, or even if I should let this bother me.
The girls are age 15–16 (I know because my son knows them) and they wear these tiny little shorts. Today the one girl’s ass and underwear were hanging out. Why does the owner let children wear this? Do their parents know? I bet they come to work with sweats over the shorts. I think it’s rediculous. I mean, these are children! What’s next? Bikinis?
Every person I know that picks up food there makes comments about it. Is it none of my buisness?

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36 Answers

Mamradpivo's avatar

The owner probably encourages it. People spend more time there, and probably tip better.

elijah's avatar

And they wear knee socks and little t-shirts. The older female employees don’t dress this way.

elijah's avatar

@Mamradpivo they don’t work for tips. They are behind the counter. There are no tables to serve.

chyna's avatar

sounds like Hooters. That age of girl should not be wearing sexy clothing to get tips.

TheHaight's avatar

because they are insecure and that attention from males makes them feel better about themselves.

A_Beaverhausen's avatar

girls are sluts. dont trust them

KrystaElyse's avatar

Attention whores

Mamradpivo's avatar

In that case, it’s just fashion. Teenage girls wear very revealing clothing. And teenage boys wear girls jeans. It’s a crazy, mixed-up, hyper-sexualized world out there.

elijah's avatar

@A_Beaverhausen they don’t make tips. They make food, not serve.

A_Beaverhausen's avatar

@elijahsuicide sorry, i didnt read it right the first time.

elijah's avatar

And don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind skimpy clothing in appropriate adult settings (I’ve worked at hooters and many bars) it’s just that these are young kids. The shorts have the pizzarias name on them so the owner obviously provides them. I think he is taking advantage of little girls who don’t know better.

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

1. They wear it to feel sexy and to get attention.
2. The owner lets them because it draws in business.
3. Their parents may know, but being of a different era.. don’t care.
4. Sure, it’s your business. If you don’t like it, don’t support the business.

It’s the sad sad world we live in:

1. People will do anything to fit in.
2. People will do anything to get money.
3. Parents are too busy getting divorced and fighting over stupid things to be parents.
4. You’re not alone in your sentiments, it’s just that we’re highly outnumbered.

BONZO's avatar

15–16 yrs old? Im sure they are already sexually active and want to flaunt their goods. I dont see the big deal. Is there a big difference in a girl thats 16 showing her skin as oppossed to a girl thats 19?

essieness's avatar

I’ve noticed this phenomemon (teenage girls and skimpy clothes) as well in recent years. I graduated high school only 10 years ago and I think it’s gotten WAY worse than back then. I have to agree with @TheHaight and @NaturalMineralWater… They do it to get attention. Attention they probably aren’t getting at home. They think that using their bodies to get attention is better than using their brains. And why shouldn’t they think that? That’s what society tells/shows them! Look at their role models!

Snoopy's avatar

@TheHaight Ditto to what you said.

I would further add that if I found it that objectionable, I simply wouldn’t spend my money at the restaurant.

essieness's avatar

@A_Beaverhausen Ew, no wonder pedophilia is so rampant.

blondie411's avatar

Have you seen what a typical 15–16 year old looks like now, definitely not what I looked like at 15–16 I swear it is the hormones in food. It is the oversexualizing of children. I’m sure their parents know but I’m sure if they dress like that their for a job they dress like that in real life so it is no different for them.

tennesseejac's avatar

@elijahsuicide whats next you ask?
Yes, bikinis. It has already started at my local pizzaria.
I agree it is “rediculous”

LocoLuke's avatar

so uhm… where is this pizzaria?
Isn’t it a bit cold to be wearing cloths like that?

tennesseejac's avatar

@LocoLuke Its in Murfreesboro, TN. The place is called Pizza Sluts, and luckily they have an age requirement of 14yrs old to work there. Can you imagine a 13yr old doing this? That would be “rediculous”

Allie's avatar

In Seattle there really is a coffee shop where the girls serve in bikinis. I’m sure there are more like it all across the country.
Maybe they’re young and stupid. Maybe they realize that sex sells. They probably sell more pizzas to 15–16 year old boys than any other pizza place in the city.

augustlan's avatar

So these are official pizzaria shorts? Like a uniform? The owner should be ashamed of himself. I believe I’d tell him so, too.

TitsMcGhee's avatar

I worked at a pizzeria (although I was working for tips) and my uniform was a v-neck shirt that said “When’s the last time YOU got a piece?” on the back. The hyper-sexualized image was definitely encouraged, and I racked up some good tip money in return, no lie.

Jayne's avatar

Speaking as a seventeen year old boy, I think some of the opinions here are a mite patronizing. Assuming that these girls are not somehow years behind me and everyone I know in their emotional development, they are perfectly aware of the reactions their clothes inspire, and either ignore or enjoy those reactions; in any case, they made an explicit decision to work at the pizzeria, and were not somehow tricked into wearing slutty uniforms. The cutoff point of eighteen years of age is in place to provide a legal safeguard, and rightly so, but most people are perfectly aware of their sexuality long before that time. For practical reasons it is necessary to hinder their indulgence of that sexuality until that time, but there is no reason to prevent their expression of it.

madcapper's avatar

pedophiles leave better tips?

answerjill's avatar

There were plans for a donut shop in this small town in Maine that would have topless servers. Not sure if it ever happened. Seems like Maine might not be the right climate.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

@Jayne I agree with some of the things you’re saying, but at 15, there are plenty of reasons to prevent their expressions of sexuality. In terms of emotional development and sexual exploitation of minors who have absolutely no rights.

alive's avatar

is there not a uniform?

you should say something to the owner. especially if other people in your community have complained also.

it is not fair to subject these girls (even if they “want” it) to that kind of work place.

if people start complaining and threatening to take their business elsewhere, the owner will be obliged to make a dress code policy for his employees. (and might i just add, that is not too much to ask, most WORK places have dress codes)

ernie's avatar

They weren’t raised right. If they lived in my home now way they would go to work dressed like harlots.

tb1570's avatar

I know I’m in for it with this one, but WTF…

People seem to throw the word pedophile around quite easily these days, but medically speaking, pedophilia is a mental disorder that results in a sexually mature adult human having a sexual preference for prepubescent children. Therefore, a sexually mature human having a sexual attraction to another sexually mature human is not pedophilia, regardless of their ages, and, in fact, it is quite normal. By what seems to be the PC definition (which does not correspond w/ the scientific definition, unsurprisingly), a 16 year old girl who molests an 8 year old boy is not a pedophile, but a 30 year old woman who has consensual sex with a 17 year old “boy” is a pedophile? Where’s the logic in that? Oh yeah, there isn’t any, it’s all just based on our “morals” & religious beliefs, Puritanical that they are. Some religious types and Andrea Dworkin (RIP) may not want to hear it, but that 50 year old “perv” staring lasciviously at the scantily clad 16 year old girls in the pizza parlour is just a regular, normal functioning human, and if our brains weren’t wired like this, our species would never have made it this far. (And if you think this all just sounds like a rationalization for a 30-something person to not feel bad about being sexually attracted 15, 16 & 17 year old sexually mature people of the opposite gender, you’re absolutely frickin’ right!!! There is nothing “wrong” with it, naturally speaking. It doesn’t mean we act on it, but it also doesn’t mean that something is wrong with you and you certainy shouldn’t feel like you are a “bad” person or feel “ashamed” of these perfectly natural thoughts. And if you do have a problem w/ it, it’s most likely you who has been been brainwashed and is, in fact, probably in denial!)

And before you even start, no where did I state that it was ok to lie, manipulate or deceive anyone in to having sex they wouldn’t normally have, regardless of their age. And I know we have supposedly “advanced” and we must now draw the line somewhere, and I agree with that, but I get tired of people using their religiously inspired “morals” to condemn what is merely natural human behaviour. (And please don’t try to draw some ridiculous parallels to other un-ethical behaviours based on that last statement. Of course I’m not saying rape or murder are ok, or even natural human behaviour. So just save your breath).

Ok, I now wait to be drawn & quartered. Have at me!

EmpressPixie's avatar

So… I don’t know where you live, but where I live it’s darn hot in the pizzarias. Even in the middle of winter, it’s incredibly hot by the ovens, behind the counters. They are young, they still have some of the innocence of youth, they know they won’t be there forever (unlike older waitresses who probably stay longer), so they don’t mind dressing down for comfort. Plus, it probably gives some positive attention as mentioned before. And (being young) they may consider it positive attention without the pressure of follow through. That kind of attention from peers, in a more casual setting might be stressful. But it might feel “safe” to have it there.

But mostly, if I had to work behind the counter at any of the pizza places near me, I would be all about wearing less. I wouldn’t, because I’m older and have a stronger sense of “bad idea” about it, but I would want to. It’s hot back there!

TitsMcGhee's avatar

@EmpressPixie: You’re so right – it gets so ungodly hot next to gas burning ovens! When I would come in to work in the winter, I would absolutely roast, and in the summer there was no escape from the heat at all. I had a uniform I had to wear (the fucking delivery drivers got to wear shorts, those bastards), and I would get so hot, it was disgusting.

Jack79's avatar

simple: it makes people go back.

elijah's avatar

My brother is 24 and a total chick magnet. Even he thinks it’s creepy. These are not girls that look older than their age. They are developing, yes but are still kids.
If it made more money, then I could understand (but not agree with) it. But they make minimum wage. No tips.
I understand it’s hot. So what. It’s hot at many kitchens, but the underage staff shouldn’t run around with their vaginas practically hanging out. It’s a family pizza joint. Not the corner bar.

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