General Question

oratio's avatar

Is TV going to prevail as a broadcasting media?

Asked by oratio (8940points) March 30th, 2009

I haven’t had TV for five years now. I get my news, programs, movies and entertainment on the net exclusively. Most of my friends too. Is TV broadcasting going to walk the same path as paper news, will it migrate to the internet totally or will it prevail in the same broadcasting form as today?

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6 Answers

cwilbur's avatar

“In the same broadcasting form as today” is migrating to the Internet.

Comcast On-Demand, for instance, is streaming digital video over packet-switched networks. And that’s even before you look at YouTube and Hulu and all those other experiments.

RedPowerLady's avatar

I hope so! I am tired of Fox News and other horribly biased media outlets. I think having a choice in your news source is a big benefit of online media.

TheIowaCynic's avatar

Great question.

I think what is inevitable is the blending of TV and internet. They’re already starting to blend, but the need to have a Computer, hooked up to Broadband over here in your house….....and the TV, hooked up to Cable over there in your house, doesn’t make sense anymore. They’re going to eventually come together.

What I see happening, and this could be bad, is that there’s not going to be any way to control content being swapped, income to the Cable Channels will drop and quality will suffer. But who knows? It’s a brave new world we’re entering

TheIowaCynic's avatar

@RedPowerLady In what format do you not having a choice? Let’s put the concept of “horribly biased,” aside for a minute.

Are there “Fox Only,” cable providers, where you have no other choice but to watch Fox News?

RedPowerLady's avatar

@TheIowaCynic I only get three TV Channels. Unfortunately I can’t afford anykind of cable or satellite television at this point. And the three TV channells I get are FOX, ABC, and some random local channel. Limited options. Anyhow I think that the internet allows for a much broader spectrum of news sources versus television. For example it costs much more to broadcast news than it does to post news on the web thus creating a class restriction on who provides the news.

mattbrowne's avatar

Yes, broadcast will survive. The medium to disseminate might change (IP based versus traditional). Broadcast allows people to take a break from interactivity. Broadcast is less demanding. Even when using Google News I need to decide where to click. The editors of a 15-minute high-quality news broadcast will make that decision for me. I just watch the entire 15 minutes.

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