General Question

mammal's avatar

Presumably you are familiar with the fable of the frog and the how come we are loaning money to a class of people who are genetically programed to sting us?

Asked by mammal (9431points) March 31st, 2009

merely to defer the agony that will probably return, like a bad case of untreated toothache

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5 Answers

VzzBzz's avatar

The dream I had last night was about whether or not American car companies would get stimulus monies or not. This afternoon my mom tells me how it went down and my hopes for viable business sifting to the top, re structuring so workers could go where better needed, the hope died.

LKidKyle1985's avatar

first off genetics have nothing to do with that story or the people being loaned money. And its not that most people don’t pay back loans, its that the loans they got were shitty loans and became too expensive for them after they agreed to it. But there are a lot of loans floating around, not even sure which ones you are talking about anyways.

jrpowell's avatar

Are you talking about the people who took out the mortgages or the bankers that made the loans?. I honestly can’t tell.

augustlan's avatar

I’m with JP… could you clarify, please?

mammal's avatar

the banks, of course, do you suppose the question could be construed otherwise?

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