General Question

JONESGH's avatar

What's the best way to kill a rumor?

Asked by JONESGH (3554points) April 15th, 2009 from iPhone

Ignore it? Confront it? Etc.

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21 Answers

cwilbur's avatar

It’s contextual.

If the rumor is going around because there’s an information vacuum and the bush telegraph is filling the need, then an official statement with real information is the best way to kill it.

If the rumor is going around because people like to gossip and bad news travels fast, ignoring it is the best way to handle it, although it will not kill it quickly.

GAMBIT's avatar

Don’t pass it on.

SpatzieLover's avatar

Usually, I confront the gossiper. That has squashed it quickly. The other way I’ve handled it is to email the gossiper and as many parties that you think that person has “told” the rumor to. Then, politely say “I’ve heard word through the grapevine that I (fill in the blank), well, I would just like to clear the table of this….Or you can just simply state the facts of whatever you have to say without addressing the rumor you heard at all.

Awwwww…..My MIL is great at gossiping. I have now become an expert gossiper stopper.

wundayatta's avatar

@AstroChuck—You can try cyanide, but I prefer RumorBeGone. Just spray a little near the rumor, and it dies in minutes. Cyanide—that’s a bit much, I think. Dangerous to handle, and hard to administer. Simpler is better: RumorBeGone!

damn boy! why’d you have to be first on the scene?

jrpowell's avatar

One nice thing is people have short attention spans. Give it a few days and a new rumor will probably pop-up(*wink, wink).

Confronting the person will probably just keep it in the news longer.

amandaafoote's avatar

If anyone asks, deny it but otherwise don’t let it look like it bothers you, makes people realize if you actually did whatever the rumor says, you would freak out more.

AstroChuck's avatar

Why would you want to kill Bruce Willis’ daughter?

cookieman's avatar

Did you see her in House Bunny?

oy vey.

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

Your best bet is to not make it any worse. Inaction is the best action here.

SpatzieLover's avatar

In our family, inaction festered to the point where NO one was talking to one another because of all the rumors spread through a particular grapevine (MIL & her sisters). It led to tears on many peoples parts. I was the only one to openly address the issue, and thus, now have new found relationships with MANY family members.

Inaction is not always the best!

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

@SpatzieLover What you describe sounds like a deeper issue than a single rumor going around. Families need to communicate.

YARNLADY's avatar

Use the Power of Ignore. It works everytime.

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

Laughter’s good too. Unless the rumor’s true.

sakura's avatar

The cruel side of me is really wanting to say start a new one, but I know this would be soo wrong!! I agree with ignoring the said rumours, and try to act as if you can’t understand what all the fuss is about. I suppose it depends on whether or not the rumour is true or not as well, if it is sometimes its better to just own up and deal with the consquence!

BanginBaxter's avatar

Start a new one”)

monocle's avatar

Ignore it or contradict it.

BanginBaxter's avatar

Contradict is a better word:):)

monocle's avatar

I think so too! :D

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