General Question

wundayatta's avatar

If you could get an answer for a question in the form of: "What's the deal with ______," then how would you fill in the blank?

Asked by wundayatta (58730points) June 4th, 2009

And why are you interested in finding out what the deal is with ______? I’m just wondering what kinds of things just don’t make sense to you, these days.

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81 Answers

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J0E's avatar

“What’s the deal with politics, I don’t get it, am I right people?” – Cosmo Kramer

SuperMouse's avatar

What’s the deal with men?! I just don’t understand how they think!

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

@daloon thanks for a question I can really sink my teeth into. So here goes.

What’s the deal with the baggy pants craze? What’s the deal with women that wear rings on every finger, including their thumbs? What’s the deal with today’s dance styles? It looks like those people are having seizures in time to music.

Thyere, that’s my take on this question.

SuperMouse's avatar

@evelyns_pet_zebra,speaking of baggy pants, what’s the deal with sagging?

RedPowerLady's avatar

@SuperMouse Sagging comes from prison society. In prison the inmates are given pants but no belts. And the pants are state-issued so they often do not fit properly. Therefor the pants sag. However those who sag their pants too low are thought of as “advertising”. LOL.

So those who got out of prison kept the “style” and it proliferated in low-income neighborhoods becoming the “cool” thing to do. Especially if you think of gangs and how they use prison as a status symbol.

I believe in freedom of expression and actually wore baggy clothes myself as a youth (didn’t sag so much because I am a female) but once you know the history it becomes a bit less “cool”.

jonsblond's avatar

@Daloon Channeling your inner Seinfeld I see. ;)


What’s the deal with crappy shows doing so well but Arrested Development gets canceled?

SeventhSense's avatar

What’s the del with Kanye West?

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

What the deal with plastic packaging so stiff it cuts your hands to get product out?

tinyfaery's avatar

…freaky plastic surgery faces. Is looking like you belong in a side show better than looking one’s age? Yikes!

jonsblond's avatar

@tinyfaery Have you seen Melissa Rivers? She looks older than her mother!

DrasticDreamer's avatar

What is the deal with so many men finding tumor boobs attractive? (Obviously, disgustingly fake boobs)

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

This one’s kind of icky but…
what’s the deal with men wanting to spooge on a woman’s face versus her swallowing it?

DrasticDreamer's avatar

@hungryhungryhortence GA. I myself have often wondered this. In some instances I think it has a lot to do with domination and control and treating a woman like an object. For the record, I’m not saying that is the case with all men or even most, but definitely some. Along the same lines is the “dick slap” to the face that is so prevalent in porn. Ugh.

jonsblond's avatar

@hungryhungryhortence I’m still laughing. I’ve wondered this myself. (I won’t say which I prefer, tmi).

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

I’m serious. Why would a guy want to look at a woman grimacing in pain and cursing at him because she got stinging spooge in her eye? That stuff burns! And the dick slap is too too funny, it a sure way for animal instinct to kick in and have the tinker yanked off by an angry little fist. Guys… always wanting to mess up Good Times.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

@hungryhungryhortence Yeah, exactly. TMI coming up, skip if you don’t want to read it. I’ve had the dick slap done to me and my reaction was not a good one. I got a smile on my face, but it was evil, not sexy… I had to hold back the urge to destroy. lol

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

@DrasticDreamer: Fluther main page isn’t the place but I would love to post a question asking those who love tinkers to give guys advice on what it is we all like about tinkers and how to keep us liking the tinkers instead of wanting to mangle and burn them.
tee hee hee

jonsblond's avatar

@hungryhungryhortence I was thinking the next question might be “dick slap or swallow?” ;)

SeventhSense's avatar

Ok WTF is a tinker? I actually Wikipediad it and got this mess:

A tinker was originally an itinerant tinsmith, who mended household utensils. In this sense, “tinker” may mean:

Irish Traveller, a nomadic or itinerant people of Irish origin
Furthermore, Tinker, Tinker’s, or Tinkers are proper nouns that may refer to any of several things:

1 Airport
2 Fiction
3 Nursery rhymes
4 People
5 Software
6 Video Games

DrasticDreamer's avatar

@SeventhSense A tinker is a wanger is a ding-a-ling is a pee-pee is a dick is a penis… etc. ;)

hungryhungryhortence's avatar


Tinker: schlong
Tinkie Winkie: little one

jonsblond's avatar

This isn’t the oral sex question? Shit. Sorry daloon. Though I don’t think the guys mind.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

Yes, sorry daloon! I’m done hijacking now.

SeventhSense's avatar


SeventhSense's avatar

I can’t imagine a tinker blowing a load though..sounds more like a toy…:)

kenmc's avatar

What’s the deal with airline peanuts? I mean, you can’t open the bag!

augustlan's avatar

What is the deal with plastering your religion all over your car? Specifically, why is it only Christians that do this? Ever see a Star of David on somebody’s bumper?

I might actually go ask this question…

YARNLADY's avatar

What’s the deal with…cutting services before cutting waste and collecting from tax deadbeats?

Facade's avatar

What’s the deal with me not having any friends? seriously

augustlan's avatar

@Facade Aw, we’re your friends. :)

tb1570's avatar

What’s the deal with relationships?

mrwhoopie's avatar

Whats the deal with tatooing your head and or face?

Bluefreedom's avatar

What’s the deal with the appalling housing market across the country?

elijah's avatar

If I get dick slapped I can guarantee an immediate dick punch.
What’s the deal with tucking in your Tshirt? It looks stupid.

SuperMouse's avatar

What’s the deal with Dick Cheney blaming Richard Clark for the September 11th attacks?

wundayatta's avatar

@hungryhungryhortence If you ask the question you don’t want to put on the front page, I’ll answer it. There actually is an answer that makes sense. I learned it when I read a dissertation about porn. That was the last time I read a whole academic book! I’ll give you a hint. It has to do with depicting the invisible. There are also some interesting (and not necessarily pleasant) consequences to the solution to this problem.

Oh, and I get your pm, now.

Blondesjon's avatar

What’s the deal with a woman turning your face into the mechanical pony outside the K-Mart when she cums. That’s cartilage in our nose, not titanium.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

What is the deal with all the dance shows always making it about what’s an appropriate way to dance for males and females – as in a judge can actually say and ‘that was not good – too feminine for me’ to a male dancer and have it passed off as valid judgment?

essieness's avatar

What’s the deal with sweet tea drinkers?

What’s the deal with vegans? I get vegetarianism, but vegan just seems like a huge hassle.

ubersiren's avatar

What’s the deal with the media, Christians, Botox, the far left, the far right, abortion, the running of the bulls, capital punishment, Lorena Bobbit, stem cells, atheists, anarchists, Obama, prostitutes, Mickey Rourke, Palin, puppeteers, Brian Peppers, marijuana, animal cruelty, vegans, reality shows, men cheating, women cheating, pedophiles, beastiality, Glen Beck, Chris Matthews’s froggy spit mouth, the Saw series, helmet laws, communism, socialism, republics, democracies, Blondsjon’s answer, Paula Deen and butter, giant sunglasses, Jason Statham movies, dancing movies, Mylie Cyrus, nuclear weapons, Tiananmen Square, welfare, taxes, trillions of national deficit, police brutality, Jenny McCarthy, Amanda Peet, this influx of trolls on Fluther lately, the terrible twos, Miss California, Perez Hilton, Jews, Darfur, genital mutilation, Bill O’Reilly, illegal immigrants, Kim Jong-il, pollution, child prodigies, anime porn, bukkake, smokers, the rash of vampire inspired entertainment, Prop 8, why it’s funny to mention Chuck Norris, water boarding/torture/advanced interrogation, voodoo, Oprah, natural medicine, eggs being good for you one year and the next they’re bad, suffocating humidity, Polar plungers, objectophilia, Westboro Baptist church, hypnotists, marathons, women who don’t know they’re pregnant until they’re in labor, school shootings, and bears?

elijah's avatar

What’s the deal with @ubersiren? haha lurve

Blondesjon's avatar

@ubersiren . . .bukkake? really?

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

@elijah sounds like ubersiren has too much time on their hands.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

@mrwhoopie I have a tattoo of an eyeball on the back of my head. It seemed like a good idea at the time. I think it’s a neat idea, and I get lots of real life lurve for it.

kenmc's avatar

What’s the deal with existance?

I mean… seriously!?!?

This is it and all there is to be?

Way to go, G-d. Whoopie freakin’ doo.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@boots I love you…not the way Jeanna does but I still do

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@evelyns_pet_zebra seriously, that’s great, lol

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

@daloon: I want to hear your answer about the spooge-to-face deal, my guy friends who are so open about anything else are holding this one close to the chest. Dish!

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

porn, they feel as if they’re doing something ‘more’ exciting

Blondesjon's avatar

we do it because you all bitch more about the taste than the feel

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@Blondesjon ha, not all of us bitch about the taste, thank you very much

Blondesjon's avatar

i meant you all in a southern colloquial way sans apostrophication

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@Blondesjon ah, why.. forgive me, then

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir: I know it’s porn that has popularized spooge-to-face but porn depicts what people want and what sells so I want to know what the men are getting out of it. Daloon said he’d tell me… I’m waiting.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

if I may continue to hypothesize, it might be because it is exciting to see something that is usually considered a ‘gross’ bodily waste go on one’s face, your partner’s face, exciting because it smells of humiliation but a humiliation you both willingly participated in…or it might be arousing that your partner would be so into you that they’d want your ‘juices’ all over them

essieness's avatar

What’s the deal with Sharpie eyebrows? I mean seriously. Come on ladies.

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir: I totally get the excitement of the juices all over bit
The humiliation though sex though bothers me in that this is a common expected porn scenario and I don’t like the idea of men accustoming themselves to derive pleasure from female humiliation.

Blondesjon's avatar

@hungryhungryhortence . . .try this. don’t let him do it.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@hungryhungryhortence but it’s no more humiliating than when a person goes down on a vagina and therefore if both ‘spooging’ and drinking/licking/consuming vaginal stuff occur equally, it’s not a problem

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir: I equate that with the excitement of the juices all over bit. What I’m thinking now is to what you mentioned of “smelling of humiliation” because the stuff is portrayed as gross waste being “done onto” instead of something fun and shared. Too bad the stuff stings like shite in the eyes, you know- cooter juices don’t hurt anyone.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir Yeah, I’ve never heard of a female (not saying they don’t exist, though) that wants a guy to go down on her in order to humiliate her partner. There are guys out there who cum onto a woman’s face simply to dominate and humiliate. Not the same thing.

Facade's avatar

@essieness having bad brows should be a sin.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@DrasticDreamer no, it’s not the same thing
I was just presenting a situation where it would not be humiliating and/or equally humiliating/arousing for both if you both are into that – believe you me, there’s no faster way to lose an arm or a dick than to force my head down there or cum on my face in the manner you describe

augustlan's avatar

@essieness That is creepy.

ubersiren's avatar

@essieness : I hate those too!!! What woman (or drag queen) in her right mind…?

SeventhSense's avatar

How the fuck did this thread become the bukaki brigade? Hey daloon maybe you can
re-rail this thing…and you may have some avatar competition by the looks of it..another lovely derriere..

tinyfaery's avatar

@Simone’s is much sexier. Sorry daloon.

mrwhoopie's avatar

@evelyns pet zebra that sounds cool. have you ever regretted it?

wundayatta's avatar

I’ve been away all weekend. Did the avatar disappear? Did hhh ask her question? If so, could you give me a link. Thanks.

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

@daloon: I didn’t post a new question but I still would like to hear your take on my side question. This was discussed with some IRL friends over the weekend and we all understand the excitement factor we’d love it if that was the drive behind the want, we understand the taboo factor of getting something yucky on someone else we don’t like that one so much and we are most disturbed to consider the desire of men to humiliate and discomfort women as a mainstream turn on we don’t want young men introduced and inured to that as a means of sexual gratification.

wundayatta's avatar

Oh shit! I didn’t want this to be lost at the bottom of a discussion, because I think it’s important, but….

It’s a kind of semiotic problem. Movies can’t tell us what people are feeling, like descriptive words can. So, given that most male orgasms during conventional sex happen inside a woman’s body, and while you can use convorted facial expressions to try to illustrate that an orgasm is being had, the convention of having the guy pull out, and spew “spooge” all over the woman is a visual way of expressing the orgasm. So pulling out was the solution to a problem that visual media have—the difficulty of depicting internal feelings.

Now, you could depict this ejaculation over any part of the woman’s body. However, you also have the problem of showing how the woman is reacting to the male orgasm. Remember, most porn is aimed at males, and is designed to help them masturbate. So, by showing a guy ejaculate over a woman’s face, you can also show her look of pleasure or satisfaction that she has done her job well. In the male fantasy, as I’m sure you know, it’s all about his orgasm, and the female orgasm is secondary—perhaps not even necessary. Of course, there are men for whom this is not true, but a lot of me, maybe almost all, like the idea of a “free” orgasm, where they don’t have to do any work and the woman gets pleasure out of it, too.

That’s why the idea of Deep Throat was so popular. It absolved men of having to do anything at all, while getting what, for some, is the best orgasm of all, a blow job. The woman has an orgasm stemming, somehow, from her throat.

From the time porn started becoming much more wide spread and acceptable—say in the 70s, this solution to the problem of depicting orgasm has been seen by more and more people, and, in particular, impressionable teenage boys. Boys, not having experience with sex, essentially learn from porn, and they believe that porn is real, and show sex as it actually is and as it should be.
So, that’s what they do. Now, I think that men can be educated to understand that their partner’s orgasm does matter, and they can do things for women, just as women do things for them, and that women really don’t like having cum spilled all over their faces.

In a similar vein, women can also communicate the things they like to do for men. For example, I always thought that women didn’t like to taste or swallow cum. These same porn movies often show women reacting with pain and disgust when they get cum all over their faces or in their mouths. So it was a surprise and a delight to discover, a couple of years ago, thanks to discussions with women on sites like this, that some women enjoy giving blow jobs and also like the taste.

I don’t think you are off on the domination theme. But I think this came later, after the porn problem was solved, and porn had to look for more and more extreme things to excite their audiences. Again, to cum on a woman’s face, and to have her like it or hate it, means you are getting a strong reaction, favorable or not. In either case, you are giving a woman a strong experience. If you like women, you want your partner to be happy. If you are pissed at women, and feel inferior for whatever reason, then if she’s upset by this, it shows you have the power to do it, and she has to take it.

Here, of course, one could get into very complex discussions about a variety of issues. What dominance/submission about? What, in people’s upbringing, might lead to feelings about self, and are these feelings related to what they get off on? What do men and women secretly feel/fear about each other? Etc. Etc.

As boys these days grow older, they take this understanding of what pleases women with them, and so the practice becomes more and more widespread, just as practices of shaving the pubes are becoming more and more widespread. Again, this practice probably has something to do with semiotic problems that movie-makers have. Perhaps the problem of showing, ever more explicitly, the cock going in and out of the cunt. I don’t know. I’m sure other people have other explanations.

I think that all the emotional explanations play a part in explaining this behavior, but I think the thing that a lot of people are not aware of is the problems that porn has in expressing feelings. The solution they came up with, and the impact that solution has on passing on information about what sex is about helps us understand the spread of this behavior.

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

@daloon: You’re awesome, thank you! I really like and agree with what you say about men looking to learn about what they think sex is from porn. Just as teenagers have had decades of classes teaching them to dissect and glean the truth (or fallacies) in media advertising, I hope sex education classes will do the same for porn.

wundayatta's avatar

@hungryhungryhortence Fat chance! For that to happen, sex ed classes would have to admit that porn exists, and they’d actually have to view it, and dissect what is going on. It would be a real sex ed class, having to do with what boys and girls like (or men and women), and anything more than putting a condom on a banana—never happen!

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

@daloon: I’ve never seen the banana and condom thing but I do know once you get into college psych classes, they have pretty in depth sex ed. Too bad high schools don’t since kids have so much sex in high school years.

Joe_Freeman's avatar

Back to the original question for a moment…

What’s the deal with the Audi fish-mouth grille? How does a company that designs some of the most beautiful cars manage to create a grille that is so universally despised? Didn’t someone have to approve that dreadful design?

OK, spooge on.

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