General Question

serenadage's avatar

What is your ultimate goal?

Asked by serenadage (71points) July 25th, 2009

I wonder, where your motivation comes from. What are you fighting for. What are you living for. Where do you see yourself going…

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27 Answers

asmonet's avatar

To no longer worry, and be happy.

Whatever that means.

peyton_farquhar's avatar

To give back to the world what it has given me.

Sarcasm's avatar

I can’t give specifics, but it involves hugely marked-up prices and hoarded jellybeans

ItalianPrincess1217's avatar

To find some kind of happiness in everyday. To live life to the fullest. To never have regrets. And to keep my spirits up no matter how tough life can get.

ragingloli's avatar

immortality and world domination

wildpotato's avatar

To live long enough to see the Iron Chef America episode “Battle: Marijuana.”

Serious answer: to figure out how to die.

peyton_farquhar's avatar

@wildpotato easy; just stand in the middle of a field during a rainstorm with your head tilted back and your mouth open.

Dog's avatar

Ultimate goal- that when I die my kids know I loved them and are confident and healthy both mentally and physically.

Secondary goal: That after I pass on my art still makes people think and feel for animals tossed aside like trash perhaps even continuing to make a difference in the lives of animals in the future.

Zendo's avatar

To get out of here alive…

Capt_Bloth's avatar

To live on a farm.

nebule's avatar

to feel those moments of warmth and contentment..true pure unadulterated happiness…just every now and then


.I don’t need anything more.

dynamicduo's avatar

My ultimate goal is my own happiness. At this time, steps to getting there involve buying some farm land and learning about agriculture in addition to having my career in technology.

AstroChuck's avatar

Ultimately, to die a happy man.

susanc's avatar

To die without leaving a mess behind. I compost, and try not to drive much, and stuff like that. But the paperwork – that’s daunting.

mea05key's avatar

I ve thought of that,

I created a moment where i breathe my last breath.

What I have thought at that time is what i want in my life.

It often changes.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

To leave the world a better place – I know it sounds cliche, but it is my responsibility, I simply can’t live for myself only – to raise smart happy children – to write books – to teach others

Darwin's avatar

To do my duty to my parents, my husband, my animals, and my children. To leave the world better than I found it. To have some joy in life.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

to replace Christianity with Evelynism. =) not really but this question just begged for a snarky answer with my own brand of screwed up humor.

shrubbery's avatar

To get into space.

Nially_Bob's avatar

To be content even when sad, angry or upset. This, from what I understand of myself, can be achieved primarily through learning and teaching.

dannyc's avatar

My ultimate goal is to have no ultimate goal, just enjoy each day as it is.

girlofscience's avatar

To end the euthanasia of healthy animals in shelters.

YARNLADY's avatar

I already got everything I ever wanted, a long time ago, so now I’m content to just sit back and watch life unfold.

serenadage's avatar

I want to make a positive impact on the world around me. Simply by being. I want others to know that there is always an option to make a choice and that there is nothing out of your control. Be peaceful and simple. Don’t indulge and be understanding. I want for there to be no negative association with race or difference. I want for human beings to embrace diversity and understand we all breath the same air. No matter where we are. We walk the same ground. Whether dirt or concrete. There is no reason legitimate enough to treat another poorly. I want us all to live on the same level. And be ok. I want us to live together. Fears and all. To help one another. To smile, genuinely at another human, passing. I plan to do this, by living and encompassing what it is to be. You can. No excuse. You are. Beautiful.

naivete's avatar

To find peace. Or something cheesy like that.

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