General Question

Mtl_zack's avatar

How do you fix the drawstrings on sweatpants?

Asked by Mtl_zack (6778points) August 27th, 2009

I bought some really nice sweatpants from Roots but the drawstrings became really uneven. One end is dragging on the floor and the other end is god knows where. I don’t wanna cut it because these pants are really nice and were really expensive. Any tips?

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6 Answers

drdoombot's avatar

What I’ve done in this situation is take a bobby pin and put it on one end of the drawstring. Put it back inside the sweatpants and slowly work the bobby pin through the waistband until it comes out the other end.

avvooooooo's avatar

1. Find the end. It shouldn’t be that hard to find, its in the track that the string is in somewhere and its different from the empty bits.

2. Grasp hold of the end.

3. While holding onto the end, push the fabric toward your fingers.

4. When there’s a good wad of fabric, grasp the end and hold onto it while you smooth the fabric back over the string.

Mtl_zack's avatar


I asked a friend of mine, and he suggested I look on WikiHow, which I never use and didn’t search before asking this question. It is very clear, and I plan of doing this tomorrow. Sorry for wasting peoples’ time. Here is a link to the WikiHow article.

drdoombot's avatar

Meh. That link is almost the same as my solution (using a safety pin instead of a bobby pin). Give me some lurve, people!

Mtl_zack's avatar

@drdoombot Haha true, but that one had pictures :) Anyways, lurve all around for the effort!

MissAnthrope's avatar

I’ve elasticized my own clothes (or costume, anyway), using drdoombot‘s method of safety pin. I gave you lurve.

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