Social Question

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

What is your motivation at work?

Asked by The_Compassionate_Heretic (14634points) September 24th, 2009

Are you working for something greater than a paycheck?

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14 Answers

Roory's avatar

Well, right now I am doing my internship and it does not even include a paycheck, or a very helpful supervisor, so the only motivation I got left is finishing my required period of training to go on to a real job and a real life !

augustlan's avatar

Since I only work for Fluther at the moment, that’s easy. The community. :D

skfinkel's avatar

I am working so that in a small way, I am contributing to the happiness in the world. And the people I know who are the happiest in their work are those who say they would do it whether or not they got paid (or to put it another way, they are happy they are getting paid for something thing would do anyway).

XOIIO's avatar

Just the paycheck

DarkScribe's avatar

To not get caught stealing lunches…

deni's avatar

I am working so I can have enough money to go to monument valley, or sedona arizona, or the redwood forest, and just sit and stare at the beauty in front of me and be totally happy

summerlover's avatar

when I began working, I did it because it was fast paced and very exciting…I work in an operating room..I have to admit at first I lost a lot of sleep because it was stressful learning the skills I needed in the environment where everyone wants you up to speed instantly. After a while, I saw there was so much more to it. I realized many times I was a patients last contact…we do have many critical cases that don’t make it. I can really make a difference. I am not the physican so I will not save the patient but I can be there when the patient is really scared, has no one else looking out for them and try to do what they or their family would want…let them know we are going to do our best, hold their hand, keep them covered up etc and when they don’t make it and I have to take care of them, I can and do pray for them and their family. I think most of my colleagues do the same. Things have become very stressful where I work with staff cutbacks and increased hours and a focus on charting instead of the patient but it doesn’t take much to remind me why I am there….I am so thankful I can do this

benjaminlevi's avatar

Not getting fired.

justn's avatar

Saving up for a new snowmobile this winter is my motivation.

augustlan's avatar

@summerlover Great answer! Welcome to Fluther. :)

tinyfaery's avatar


hungryhungryhortence's avatar

I currently work for a paycheck. To get it, I work each job as well as I can, mindful to build reputation which will bring me work more often, more easily when I go to ask for it when it’s not first offered which all leads to getting that needed paycheck.

OpryLeigh's avatar

Mostly the paycheck although I do enjoy my job enough so that it’s not a real chore to go in everyday (although I would never turn down a lie in obviously). I am comfortable in my job, I like most of the people and it helps pay the bills and put food on the table. I have to admit that I am not overly ambitious when it comes to work. I just want a job that I enjoy that pays me a decent amount of money at the end of the month. I don’t care whether it’s high powered or not but I do not want to go home evry evening stressed about my job.

SABOTEUR's avatar

Knowing that I’m pretty good at what I do provides sufficient motivation.

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