Social Question

cornbird's avatar

What is better, a good looking guy or a fat ugly guy who is a millionaire?

Asked by cornbird (1750points) December 11th, 2009

Why do I see some hot girls going around with ugly fat guys. I just want to know, is it about looks or status. What mostly attracts girls to guys? Will girls marry a guy with looks or alot of money? Answer honestly….

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13 Answers

eternal_serenity's avatar

Really I think it depends on which one has a brain
I don’t want to hang out with someone I can’t hold an intelligent conversation with

Mamradpivo's avatar

What’s better? Not being so superficial.

dani6119's avatar

I have to agree with eternal serenity. It’s more about the person than what they look like or how much money they have.
What attracts me to a guy is his personality. Looks are the instant attraction, but if he’s good looking and a jerk, I’m not going to be interested any longer than it takes to find out he’s a jerk.

global_nomad's avatar

You know, I notice this too. There is this guy I know who is fat and ugly and all the Japanese girls fawn over him. It’s like, ew, seriously? He knows Japanese and is one of those anime/manga freaks who fantasizes about marrying an anime character. I understand that Japanese girls might want to talk to him since he speaks their language and loves their culture, but it is beyond me why they would be attracted to him. And they are. They flirt with him all the time.

I think status and looks are what attract people. Everyone is always judging everyone else’s looks and intelligence. Although, for this guy I really don’t understand.

dpworkin's avatar

Fat people should be forced to leave the planet. They can’t control themselves, and they look like shit in apres ski wear, or bikinis, or Speedos. Why do they want to wreck everything for White people?

Blondesjon's avatar

A million dollars doesn’t go as far as it used to. How about a fat, ugly smart guy?

@pdworkin . . . very nice

Oxymoron's avatar

None of the above. I would pick which ever one had a good personality.

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

Some girls are shallow.. some aren’t.

CyanoticWasp's avatar

A nice guy.

ubersiren's avatar

Better for what? Rich guys are better for buying you things. Hot guys are better to see naked. I would say neither quality you mentioned is terribly important. Women will ultimately choose men that they love, which means a lot of things.

cornbird's avatar

but wat if the nice guy has no money and the fat guy has a good job and can take care of u better wouldnt u naturally choose the fat guy? I mean look at kim kardashian for example. Im sure it has alot of guys that are better looking than him and she choose to be with him…why?

ubersiren's avatar

Not necessarily. If the fat rich guy was an asshole, she probably wouldn’t pick him. Perhaps she could relate to the nice poor guy more. If they have more in common, then it might be worth some financial struggle. See what I mean? Personality ultimately prevails. The poor guy could some day be successful and the rich man could some day lose his fortune. But a man’s personality is hard to change. I’m only speaking for myself and the women I know, but personality (which includes responsibility and ambition for a certain lifestyle) trumps all. Of course, it helps to be sexually/physically attracted to the person you want to spend the rest of your life with, too. It’s hard to love someone who physically repulses you, you know? But, I think looks are secondary.

prioritymail's avatar

It’s not this black and white.

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