Why doesn't Google Maps or Mapquest show where the highway exits are?
Do you think the will ever add the feature? It would be really convenient for me.
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10 Answers
Google Maps clearly shows expressway ramps in my area. Where are they missing?
I’m looking at Memphis, TN right now, and I don’t see any… ?
Hmm, I just zoomed in a lot, and I see some little circles with numbers in them. Are those the on/off ramps?
Judging by the numbers, I’m pretty sure they are. Okay, now I feel extremely silly. I had honestly never seen those before. Thank you for pointing that out to me. I learned something new today.
Sooooooooooooo, NEW QUESTION! Why does Google Maps hide the highway ramps when my scrollbar gets about a third of the way away from the + side towards the – sign of the zoom tool?
OK, looking at Memphis, the detail looks just like Chicago.
If this link works correctly, the I_55/Crump Blvd interchange is an example.
Regarding the new question ( Why does Google Maps hide the highway ramps when my scrollbar gets about a third of the way away from the + side towards the – sign of the zoom tool?):
If they tried to show all the ramps and street names when you zoom out, the map would be unreadable, it would be too crowded.
But there could be little green dots inside of the orange, just like there are big blue things that say that it’s I-40. I don’t care about the numbers when I’m looking at the bird’s eye map, but it would be really nice to see the big picture and know where the ramps are.
Hmm, I just looked at Chicago. So, is it the green things or the little orange numbers? This is not my idea of “clearly shown”. Do you know if there exists a Google Maps legend?
Because when you’re on the freeway, the exits are clearly marked. If you use Mapquest and print the driving directions, it should tell you where to exit. If you miss it, it’s your own fault.
@PacificToast: Did it ever occur to you that I might want to have a general idea of where they are?
What is a mapquest?
Google Maps not only has exits indicated but displays their numbers.
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