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stemnyjones's avatar

How did Brittney Murphy die?

Asked by stemnyjones (3976points) December 20th, 2009

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28 Answers

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stemnyjones's avatar

If Googling helped I wouldn’t be asking the question. ;)

Is there a specific reason why you bothered answering? Because to me it just seems rude.

Likeradar's avatar

Google is answering the question quite well right now. Cardiac arrest. Anything else is speculation, as the autopsy hasn’t been done.

toomuchcoffee911's avatar

I didn’t think it was rude, Google was obviously very useful.

trailsillustrated's avatar

WHAT is she dead?? i love brittany murphy

sevenfourteen's avatar

Cardiac arrest aka anorexia is what I’ve heard. Not sure if it’s true, and I’m in no way saying anything about anorexia, I’m just saying that usually that’s the end of anorexia.

mrentropy's avatar

2009: Getting those last licks in.

I apologize in advance for being callous and rude.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

she got tired of hearing about Tiger Woods
sorry, may she rest in peace

trailsillustrated's avatar

really sad and I loved that song she did with the pussycat dolls.

stemnyjones's avatar

Yes, I was wondering what caused the cardiac arrest (anorexia, drugs, etc)

toomuchcoffee911's avatar

Oh dear, there goes my potetial Perfecto-Fish award! ;-)

Vunessuh's avatar

She went into cardiac arrest and they couldn’t revive her.
Speculation points to possible anorexia/bulimia. Even though she looks healthy and maintained a decent weight, it’s still very possible she was battling an eating disorder.
It could have been drugs as well.
Syrup of ipecac caused Karen Carpenter’s heart attack way back when.
It could be a number of things or not even related at all to bulimia.

stemnyjones's avatar

@toomuchcoffee911 Well, last time I checked google, it didn’t help… if you knew google helped, then you must have googled it, and you might of well just copied and pasted the answer, to be somewhat helpful.

smashbox's avatar

According, to what I read, the woman died today. Give the medical examiner some time to do an autopsy! All anyone knows right now, is her heart stopped, for goodness sakes, wait for an autopsy report, how would anyone know how she died, if an autopsy hasn’t been completed yet.

Kelly_Obrien's avatar

There is no autopsy scheduled. We may never know for sure.

sliceswiththings's avatar

Anyone else dropping everything to watch Clueless?

Fernspider's avatar

I read somewhere that she has been appearing emaciated of late. Does anyone have any links to recent photos of her?

jamielynn2328's avatar

I am speculating, but it will be a shame if prescription drug addiction took another star’s life. Think how many lives of the non-famous are lost…

sevenfourteen's avatar

@sliceswiththings omggg like totally. That movie is soo not for 12 year olds now that I realize what they were talking about throughout the whole thing.

Darwin's avatar

Cardiac arrest. That means her heart stopped. Any further knowledge would have to come from an autopsy. Such would be required if she were not under a doctor’s care at the time of death. However, if she were under a doctor’s care it could be quite likely that her death would not be unexpected but still might not be disclosed to the public.

And for those who say there will be no autopsy, that is apparently incorrect.

To quote:

“An official cause of death may not be determined for some time, since toxicology tests will be required, but “it appears to be natural,” Winter said. He said an autopsy was planned for Monday or Tuesday.”

Likeradar's avatar

@Darwin Her husband is apparently trying to stop the autopsy. So ashamed I know that. Can a family member do that?

Darwin's avatar

If she died not under a doctor’s care California law can require the autopsy. This can especially be the case if one close family member is trying particularly hard to stop it. Sometimes that means they know too much about what the cause of death is and might even be culpable.

To quote again:

“Monjak has reportedly asked that officials do not conduct an autopsy on her, despite her death being shrouded in mystery.

But despite his wishes, the LA County Coroner’s office will perform an autopsy and toxicology report on the actress.”

dalepetrie's avatar

Only other thing I read was that there was a very large amount of vomit in the bathroom when they found her, so @Vunessuh could be onto something with the Karen Carpenter comparison, but of course as they always say when a celebrity dies, “toxicology reports could take 6 to 8 weeks” which usually means we’ll know in 3 weeks.

Vunessuh's avatar

@dalepetrie Really? I didn’t know about the vomit. I didn’t know about her husband wanting to stop the autopsy either.
Considering the fact that she has a history of bulimia, is only 32 and had a cardiac arrest, makes it seem obvious that it was eating disorder related.

dalepetrie's avatar

@Vunessuh – just read that about an hour ago. It was on Reuters, not some tabloid site, so I trust it.

Darwin's avatar

@dalepetrie – The various news sites also say there were a lot of prescription drugs in the house and that Murphy has had problems with said drugs.

Presumably the toxicology report will clear things up.

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