General Question

troubleinharlem's avatar

Why is the turtle doing these things?

Asked by troubleinharlem (7999points) January 14th, 2010

There are two turtles in my Biology classroom in a tank, and one of them is sort of harassing the other. He (I’m guessing it’s a guy…) puts his “claws” or whatever they’re called out and he vibrates them in the other turtle’s face.

Also, I was watching him swim once, and he was just swimming around, and then this random black “sack” like thing appeared by his tail. It looked like it had little balls in it.

What’s up with him?

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6 Answers

dpworkin's avatar

It sounds like he’s a female and is about to lay eggs.

troubleinharlem's avatar

@pdworkin ; I just asked my teacher, and she said that it’s definitely a guy. i feel like she could be wrong, though… i don’t know how you determine gender in turtles. But your answer still made me smile. xD

marinelife's avatar

Not much is known about turttle mating practices. Here is a treatise on the subject.

Sebulba's avatar

he is a mutant ninja turtle

Jewel's avatar

Check the bottom of the turtle. If it is concave, it is a male. Flat is a female. The amazing growth near the tail is his junk! The poor fella is horney. I hope his tank mate is female!

daemonelson's avatar

The sack thing you saw was probably a penis. Occasionally they whip it out. It really is an odd shape.

And as for the clawing, they have somewhat weird behaviour that we don’t understand yet.

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