General Question

andrew's avatar

There's no way to share Genius Mixes over a network, right?

Asked by andrew (16553points) March 5th, 2010

I’m not talking about a genius playlist—I’m talking about mixes (like ‘Old School Rap Mix’ or ‘Lofi Indie Pop Mix’). I know I can share my songs and my playlists over the local network, but I don’t think I can share my mixes, right?

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8 Answers

judochop's avatar

Not that I can find. My room mate and I have searched high and low for a way to do this. No go as of today at 2pm.

andrew's avatar

Yeah, the best I could do was make and share a genius playlist based on an artist in the mix—which is probably about the same.

utzon's avatar

Can’t you just drag the Genius mix to an empty playlist and share that?

utzon's avatar

On second thought, I’m not sure I understand you. What’s the difference between a Genius Mix and a Genius playlist?

judochop's avatar

@utzon You must create your own playlist based on what your Genius Mix throws together. I think that is what Andrew is talking about…Genius Mixes are formed by Itunes.

utzon's avatar

@judochop: Ok, but you can share playlists locally, so I’m not sure what his problem is?

andrew's avatar

@utzon Here’s an explanation of the difference.

utzon's avatar

Ah! I see. No, I don’t think you’ll be able to share those.

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