Social Question

Rangie's avatar

What is meant by, everything is a circle?

Asked by Rangie (3667points) May 3rd, 2010

How did that statement come about? Is it meant literally? And if it is, how is it? Who said that and where did it come from?

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6 Answers

judochop's avatar

What goes around comes around. Everything will return to the beginning eventually.

lilikoi's avatar

The circle of life, what goes around comes around, everything is connected….Obviously it is not meant literally, as other shapes do exist lol. Probably many people said it in a number of different ways rather than one person being able to take credit for having a unique epiphany.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.
It’s what’s in between that counts!

Rangie's avatar

@judochop so does that mean, there is no such thing as a straight line?

DarkScribe's avatar

As everything is not a circle, either figuratively or literally – it means nothing.

wundayatta's avatar

@Rangie Yes, the idea that everything is cyclical goes against the idea that all events are linear. Often times, you’ll hear that men think in a linear fashion, while women think in a more circular fashion. The two different styles tend to drive each other crazy.

Linear thinking says that this causes that causes the next thing and so on. Circular thinking says that this influences that which influences the first thing, perhaps after some other steps on the way. We may start someone, and we will go and go and then we’ll find ourselves in a place very similar to where we “started.” Since we are going round and round, technically there is no “start.” It’s just that patterns repeat.

Each approach has its uses and strengths, although many adherents to one approach or the other will deny that the other has any value. Personally, I think both approaches have value. They are two different ways of looking at the same thing, and you can see some things with one approach and other things with the other. If you can use both approaches (which can take flexibility of mind), you can see more than if you just use one approach.

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