Any acts of random kindness today?
In a society of road rage and just trying to do what you need to do because what you have to do is really important and nobody on the planet realizes how important that thing is, did you ever step aside today and show kindness to a total stranger?
i was at a gas station today and i had an agenda. i needed to get my stuff and get back home right away. i could tell the lady behind me needed to be, well, in front of me in line. i offered her the “next in line” position and she was so thankful.
i was like, “wow, i feel good about that gesture.” the world is so angry today; what did you do today that made somebody’s life easier despite your “needs?”
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14 Answers
How about where someone showed me a random act of kindness?
I ran into my local store to get one item only. I had my dog in the car and have always just been in and out in less than 3 minutes. Normally there are 3 under 25 item checkouts open. Today, there were none open. I got in a line where a girl and guy were buying one pack of cigarettes and couldn’t make up their mind which brand. There was a woman behind them, then me. After the third time of them switching the brand, I mustv’e made a noise (probably a curse under my breath) and the woman says to me, you go on, I’m not in a hurry. I felt really bad. I explained I was stupid enough to leave the dog in the car, (windows down in shade), but I still didn’t like to do that. She was very understanding and I was very thankful. The dog was fine of course, it was cool and shady, but I was worried. Probably won’t do that again.
I got back in my car & left his face intact :-)
It ended well that’s the main thing! ;-)
I held the door for anyone that I came across when going in and out of a building. I do that all of the time, though.
@jimah: keep it up and you might just luck up on “the one.”
random acts of kindness are so cool, because when you do something out the norm, you get this reaction like, wow, i made a difference in somebody’s life. it could be the the littlest thing. not so much what you do for a family member, but a total stranger, you know?
Well, to cheer you up, I stopped a couple times during rush hour to let the other cars go (I was on a busy residential street, and they were on a teeny little residential street with a stop sign). And about a month ago, some woman forgot to take her “cash back” at the grocery store so I chased her down and gave it to her instead of keeping it.
My son chased after a lady that left her ID on the counter at the post office this afternoon. We stepped up to the counter after she walked away and he noticed her ID. He showed it to me and said he was going to take it to her. He ran out the doors and caught her as she was getting into her car. It was all his idea to go give it to her. I was really proud of him. (He’s 8.)
There was an elderly woman in front of me at the market today who was short $11 and I gave it to her. She tried to get my address or phone number to repay me but I refused.
@charliecompany34 I am proud to report to those Flutherites who might otherwise feel guilty about the limited kindnesses you’ve shown today that I stayed in, my wife was away shopping, and aside from giving Spoony the cat some tuna fish I have done not a single kind deed all day long!
But to spoil my record, I did just give you a great question award. :-)
last night (well 1:30 this morning), i helped a crazy blind lady off the bus and to the bus shelter… she screamed at me. in turn, the bus driver (who waited for me to walk her and get back onto the bus) dropped me off an unplanned/scheduled stop because it was easier for me to get home!
And just a little while ago, i went to the store and needed to replace the squeaky sport top of my klean kanteen. i explained to the guy that i bought one there a few weeks ago and wanted to know if there was a way to prevent this problem with a new one (i was going to buy a new one anyway) and he told me to just take it! it was really nice of him and made my day that much better.
I always give up my place in the checkout line…if someone only has a few items! :) That makes me happy…and in the UK….they look at me like I came from Mars!
I did a CV for someone…for free…and they didn’t ask….I volunteered to help.
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