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bolwerk's avatar

How can I make a female cat stop being horny?

Asked by bolwerk (10347points) July 3rd, 2010

I adopted a domestic shorthair (well, more like just took it in off the street when it was a kitting). Now that it’s grown a bit, it’s started going into heat and gets really, really, really annoying. What can I do to shut it up?

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29 Answers

tinyfaery's avatar

Have the cat spayed.

Chrissi85's avatar

Yup, spayed. Life will be better for you and her.

rpm_pseud0name's avatar

A million dirty punch lines came to mind when I read this topic, but I will hold back & agree with the others… yes-get the cat fixed. She’ll pack on the pounds as well…it’s cute.

Coloma's avatar

If you don’t spay her asap it will only get worse.
Female cats can stay in near constant heat cycles until they are bred and pregnant.

They can then conceive again almost immediately if the opportunity is there.

Fix the cat…like yesterday.

Buttonstc's avatar

Most places in this country offer low cost spay options for residents if finances are a problem. Just do a search on that term along with your zip code.

You can also post an ad on your local Craigslist asking other pet owners which options exist in your area.

Unless you get the cat spayed she will keep going into heat. Just find a place, schedule it and get it done. There is no other solution.

ragingloli's avatar

I would just live with it and sell the kittens. (maybe keep one or two for myself)
I would never do such mutilation to my kitty.

syz's avatar

Cats are induced ovulators and so she will continue to come into heat until she is bred (which, of course, as a conscientious pet owner, you should not allow her to do). Getting her spayed is the right course of action.

@ragingloli 6–8 million unwanted animals are destroyed in this country every year. Letting her breed is not the right thing to do. An ovariohysterectomy is not mutilation, it reduces straying, fighting, disease transmission, complications associated with reproduction, and helps to control pet overpopulation. To suggest otherwise is to be irresponsible.

Chrissi85's avatar

I know they aren’t female cats, but we got our ferrets castrated last month and it’s turned out to be a brilliant decision, they are happier, less aggressive, more playful and they don’t try to hump me all the time. Spaying/neutering is generally the best course of action with most pets (unless you are an experienced breeder) as they live longer, happier lives. I will admit at first I wasn’t keen on taking away their natural equipment, but really it has enriched our lives as well as theirs as they get more out of us now, they are easier to handle and therefore get more attention and affection. As for cats, even if you are not fussed about ending up with kittens everywhere or whatever, it’s really the only way to stop that awful yowling.

bolwerk's avatar

I’m not going to end up with kittens everywhere. She’s an indoor cat with no other cats around.

NanciDru's avatar

@bolwerk Oh? And you don’t think she will try to get out? Take everyones advice. It’s not mutulation. You asked a question and got answers you did not like. PLEASE GET THE CAT NEUTERED. You are inhumane for allowing her to be in such a state. You are selfish.

Andreas's avatar

@bolwerk My tortoise-shell cat Jaffa got pregnant at five-months, whereas most cats will be from six-months. I didn’t know that at the time. She went on heat again shortly after her litter was born. I had to very quickly get her to the vet for her operation. She’s now 14.5 years-old and very content, and still with all her natural affection, as much as any cat has! Get your cat fixed: it’s worth it.

tinyfaery's avatar

Look. If you do not spay your cat she will continue to go into heat, until she is no longer fertile. There is nothing else to do to stop her from being “horny”, as you put it. It will be like torture for her and you.

GracieT's avatar

I used to work in a local pet store. It was NOT a chain! The animals we sold were only from local breeders and we had visited the breeders before we would accept animals from them. I only mentioned this because we also would tell people it was the responsible thing to do. Spaying is just like you having your tubes tied!

Coloma's avatar

Not to mention that you run the risk of becoming abusive towards her….poor kitty has enough stress going on with her reproductive drive, she doesn’t deserve to be screamed at and have shoes thrown at her too. :-(

bolwerk's avatar

@NanciDru: No, she will not open the door to my apartment and walk out.

I plan to get her spayed, but in the mean time I was hoping there would be a way to calm her down.

NanciDru's avatar

@bolwerk the urge to reproduce is very strong. Is she looking at you with loving eyes? Is she following you around the house? When I was married we had a cat. It took one session of what you are going through and off to the vet she went. She would sit in front of my husband and howl, she would follow him through the house howling, wrap herself around his feet when he was on the couch watching TV. Hysterical but very pathetic. It did a lot for his self esteem.

Coloma's avatar


Well…living in a cat hlouse might do that for a guy.

rooeytoo's avatar

With dogs there is an injection which will render the animal infertile for six months or so. I don’t know if it stops ovulation or how it works, but it does. Call the vet to see if it is available for cats. But truly the answer is to get it spayed as quickly as possible, because as it has been said, they will continue to be in heat almost constantly until they are bred or fixed.

Disc2021's avatar

Invite her over some company for the night??

ragingloli's avatar

How about birth control pills in her daily food?

wildflower's avatar

Hate to throw a spanner in the works, but while I totally agree with all the others saying to have the cat spayed, just felt like sharing my experience: Very similar story, I was ‘adopted’ by tortois shell short hair domestic kitty some months back, after a while she got her first heat cycle. I contacted the vet and a couple of weeks later, she had her surgery…...right now though, she appears to be experiencing ‘false heat’ and I’m on day 3 of highly interrupted sleep :(
The current noise (from her and her ‘suiters’) and restlessness aside, spaying is the way to go, especially if you like to let her run around outside and there are other cats in the neighborhood.

Keysha's avatar

I also wish to point out that even with her indoors, she will draw males to the apartment. Open the door one day and have a stray tom run in.

Cats also can and do go into heat while nursing kittens, usually soon after delivery.

mattbrowne's avatar

We used pills before a vet took care of it.

NanciDru's avatar

The cat MUST be out of heat by now!!

NaturallyMe's avatar

Shame, she’s not an it, but a SHE! ;)

Yes, spay her. If she’s not a strictly indoor cat, you certainly don’t want her to go around having tons of kittens that maybe nobody wants to look after, and it will protect her from catching diseases from mating as well.

NRO's avatar

massage her appropriately until she finds release

Almaklein61's avatar

Can a cat that is fixed get horrny .

whatyes's avatar

Spaying is not a rational thing when it just bothers you. We rationalize spaying because we keep cats indoors and around us so they become dependant of us. You have a responsibility as an owner to treat the cat fairly, conscious that you have a lot of power over it. Spaying is a radical act that is banalized so freely. Life is a gift, don’t waist it. Cat’s can’t get horny onced spayed, for they do not ovulate anymore. Since the reproduciton system no logner funcitons, if she has sexual tendencies, the behavior comes from past actoins that are still conscious or unconscious. To me spaying is like amputating and you don’t amputate an animal just because it run’s around? It’s just my thoughts, peace.

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